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va spouse letter example for sleep apnea

Definitely push the issue. i was diagnosed with having seziures likes activities on active duty and discharged with only 10% rating for my disabilities. Now think about this.. Our country takes care of everybody and anybody but us the veteran. MSG VAM. (development). Main Office Bross & Frankel, P.A. Tell them about your vet affliations. My VSO was helpful to file the paperwork, but is quick to let me know I probably have no chance since the QTC doctor turned me down. Keep on fighting eventually you will win!! The VA rates Sleep apnea in terms of percentage points, from 0% (acknowledging that you have sleep apnea but it doesn't impact your ability to earn a living) to 100% . I went through Ranger School but wasnt black ops, so you would think that patrols that I was on in Bosnia would be filed with my chain of command. Take to dr and get a review. The book includes a sample nexus letter from Dr. Finnerty for sleep apnea secondary to PTSD with extensive research citations. VA Claims insider is an education-based coaching/consulting company. A 100% rating yields $3332.06 per month. The following is to provide you with view inside VSR-world. Thanks, I have filed a claim with the VA Feb 8th 2009. Lay persons are competent to provide evidence regarding things they have personally observed, including symptoms that are capable of lay observation and when those symptoms occurred. VA Buddy Letter Example. Hi worked as a computer faculty in before some time, now i want to salary compensation from That computer institute, in previous i took salary through cash. It sickens me knowing what this country took from me and how terrible they treat the soldier after they screw him or her up. Phone: 336 631-5457 How they come to this conclusion is beyond me, because as far as I know I didnt know you could joint the military as a cancer patient. Thanks. Google the below citation and you will find a claim that was approved for Parkinson (Agent Orange) for a veteran that was stationed at Don Maung Bangkok. @mstaiadair I assume Bangkok is not one of these. On the other hand, knowledge acquired through specialized training, education, or expertisesuch as the knowledge required to render a medical diagnosis or attribute symptoms to a particular diagnosis or eventis not personally observable and is therefore outside the realm of competent lay testimony. The doctor ordered a sleep study and he was granted to use a CPAP device. I did not do the Form 9 because my advocate retired, and he did not turn my file over to someone. I am not getting anywhere with the 800 number. The author can use VA form 21-4138 but it is not required. with over 20 years of Service and while I was filling up the paperwork to get Promoted to E-9. Vietnam Veterans: Is Your Medical Condition on the Agent Orange Presumptive List? Yes theyre should be someone to research these claims and missions without the proper papertrail. I put in a claim was denied any suggestions. I wonder if you could help me? This time, Im assuming due to clerical error, they were sending all of my paperwork to the wrong address! Why Was Allison Hickey Covering For Rubens, Graves? I will remind him to use the device . I recall almost on a regular basis where it sounded as if he was choking in his sleep and gasping for air. Buddy letters are lay statements provided in support of a veterans claim for VA disability benefits. Spousal Letter Supporting Sleep Apnea. Never, ever give up! i am disheartened reading many of your stories.. All I can add to the conversation is that I am service connected 100%+ for multiple gunshot wounds and PTSD, The VA has been very good to me over the course of my life and I domt have many complaints outside of the times I have seen people who I thought were deserving of compensation and unable to recieve the benefits they earned, often times in blood.. Good Luck to all of you and God Bless. Reuveni H, Tal A, et al. Spouse or May 11th, 2018 - How to Write a Visa Invitation Letter for Australia Tourist Subclass 600 Visa Spouse or Partner . Therefore, we are out in the middle of nowhere. This is very common in a VA Sleep Apnea claim - this condition may begin with an event today, but not develop into full-on Obstructive Sleep Apnea for years, or decades. For a limited time, you can book a free, no-obligation VA Claim Discovery Call with one of our experts. He would not return phone calls e-mails ext upon looking into this-I decided to enlist the help of Sen.Carl Levin from our great state of Michigan. Thousands of other Veterans in our Community are here for you. Along that same time frame, VA did not have money to pay claims. Should I apply for Sleep Apnea on its own or is this way good enough? Finally in 2007 service connection for sinusitis was granted. I will sincerely appreciate it. The Rep for whom failed to file what he told my wife and I he would do. Anyone who writes a buddy letter should include their contact information, their name and signature, the full name of the veteran that the letter is for, and the date. Winston-Salem, NC 27155 In 2005 I filed for disability and was turned down. It was SOP to rip off claimants on the time they have to respond to our requests for info. Many times a Vet will have a condition that there IS NO TREATMENT for thus they will not see doctors, but just put up with it. Mulching is an effective way to keep the root zone cool and moist, while watering more frequently will also help keep the plant from getting too dry. I have sinutits, had surgery where they reamed out my nasal canal with a high speed reamer, I looke like Michael Jackson, no shit! I dont know about you but the times I get a rejection letter, I put it in my bible because I know It is already DONE. How do I know this to be true, because GOD said so. I was told by a military lawyer to keep fighting. Both the Va and Sen.Levins office called me about this and said it was in the highest level. When my husband left the military in 2000 he was still snoring loudly until he went to the doctor to check his swollen uvula sometime in 2002. This format was borrowed from a NOVA conference on VA disability compensation primarily for Veterans Law attorneys. I pray that the good Lord will bless you & your family, and keep trying, never give up my brother, Brother Lewis,, do not give up the fight, until we cant fight anymore, GOD-BLESS.Sincerely Tim. The VA puts a lot of merit in statements from spouses, and remember what I mentioned early, these can also be used to establish a service connection. So we when went to QTC, and I already faxed his evidence that I gathered including the reckless driving speeding tickets, my documented proof of me trying to contact the base before he deployed, I wanted him to talk to somebody. All I can do is wait, & fight, and never give up, I pray to God Almighty, that before I die, I will receive what is due to me, as I would like to leave my wife, with something other than her taking care of me all these years. 0 percent rating for asymptomatic sleep apnea with "documented sleep disorder breathing.". Getting a spousal letter supporting sleep apnea is a great way to get this lay evidence. KEEP GOING!!! Now, through researching and this awesome website I have learned I need a letter from my doc to tie in my service connected conditions to SA. How would be there ? The United States Government should take a long look at the way it has treated people throughout its history; Indians, blacks, and veteranshmm seems to be a pattern here. I got diagnosed with Sleep apnea, in 2011 . The faster your start it the better it is, plus they will give you retroactive pay. We were trained from day one to DENY, DENY, DENY at any level possible. Want to see a real VA lay statement example? Is there some advice you can give me or some where to look for some more information on this. Bobbigidy said: Hi all, I am currently diagnosed at 50% PTSD. Fax if you can depending what phase of the claim you are in- your evidence often as possible, present it well. I care about all young and old. I need an updated award disability letter since the bank i am applying for a loan doestn want to work with my original one i need help. My one doctor wrote a letter but it was not sufficient. The VA claims it never was reported prior to my being released. I did the Notice of Disagreement and was turned down. Buddy Letters (Buddy Statements), also known as Lay Statements, can serve as valuable pieces of evidence for VA claims. Its a horrrible thing for any ceteran that suffers and to be homeless and sick just to be turned downN denied and polaced on paperwork cause the worker for the VA cant and will not figfure out the correct medical disabling condition or condirtions cause its too much to read and its boring or the worker for the VA is bored. If you are having trouble obtaining service connection for PTSD or other conditions and you think a buddy statement from your wife or other friend or family member would help, you are welcome to contact us online or at 888.878.9350 to discussyourcase. Please help me ASAP. Although my expertise is on the Pension side of the house, the one thing I can tell you is that it helps to do a congressional inquiry if VA is dragging ass/fucking up in general on your claim. CALL US TO GET STARTED (800) 800-3332. . I am 40% service connect thru the VA for loss of hearing, athuritis, + eczema. He recently agreed to attend group therapy sessions at our local VA, and it seems to help him recognize that he needs help. Hello, My husband was in the USAF from 1986-1990. during that time he was stationed in the Phillipines. 8 years worth. Justice and fairness is all we want. You might want them to have it notarized. why one was never done i dont know, what i do know is that a friend of his injured his knee playing flag foot ball while inthe USAF and receives a benefit of over $800 per month and will continue to for the rest of his life. A spousal letter for sleep apnea, which documents what your spouse has witnessed over the years, and the approximate dates he/she noticed your sleep apnea symptoms began in-service IS lay evidence. Here is what I have done, I ask my VFW rep to provide me with a letter specifically what to state on her letter for my claim, he told me he would give IRON CLAD, evidence to win my case. By the way, the QTC doctor spent maybe 3-5 minutes with me, did no examination, and asked for no health history. What was the specific reason for denial that the RO gave on the original letter? left side of the screenthere it is folks!! I always tell my clients; no VA disability claim has ever been denied because there was simply too much evidence! Hopefully you saved some letters, your family saved some, or you have some evidence of in country service. Contact us today to discuss your VA disability appeal or your first application. i had 0s all the way down the list on mobility. This is absolutely amazing documentation.

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va spouse letter example for sleep apnea