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west coast ham radio nets

SCOUTS Collins Collectors Association 14313 USB Daily marine, evening Pacific Maritime net. FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. TSN is a traffic handling training net. Yellow (normal type) = HAM ( Note: USB is used on 14mHz {20M} and up; LSB is used on 7mHz {40M} and below). About Me. The Noontime Net is a public service Amateur Radio Net that meets everyday on 7284 kHz. All Contents inclusive of URLs involving "collinsradio", protected by CW Nets GENERAL NETS CW: 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040 khz, County Hunter Mail List Reflectors In many parts of the world outside North America, it is illegal for amateur radio operators to pass messages on behalf of third parties. The NTTN is an Amateur Radio Net to handle formal written traffic into and out of the state of Oregon. Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets. CAN'T FIND IT? 12:30 UTC meters and 7.0565 on 40 meters. -- NTS Area Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets window.status=out; Nets operate more or less formally depending on their purpose and organization. Also check the WB2KAO repeater on Saturday nights at 7:30 PM for the Green Eggs and Ham Net. West Coast Swap Net aka Swap Cars, Service. ASSORTED SWAP NETS AND OTHERS history of handling The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. Last reference May 2013, Coconut Breakfast Net, French Polynesia 8188 kHz at 1730(UTC) (English), Coconut Breakfast Net, West of French Polynesia 12353 kHz at 1830(UTC) (English), Confusion Net (Pacific) 14.305 MHz at 1900 (UTC), Harrys Net (W & S Pacific) 7.095 MHz at 2000 (UTC), Hawaii Net (Hawaii) 14,340 at 19:00 and 14,305 at 22:00 Website www.earchi.org/rptr_nets.html Email:[emailprotected] no email response July 2016, N Zealand Wx Net (New Zealand) 7.080 MHz at 2000 (UTC). Resources Tues Website: https://www.kc7nyr.com/linux. information for local areas by place names, zip codes, etc. Net Details seed--; 20m Net: 14.120 MHz; Tuesday - 1700 UTC - Sept-May. 7.272 Ragchew group -- 7.272 Mhz, A 40 Meter net is held every Thursday Night on 7.224 MHz at 5:00pm. 7.188 MHz, except between 1545 to 1700 UTC, when it moves to 7.243 MHz. 7.245 The net covers the southwest Pacific and eastern Australia, and accepts messages of up to 50 words in radiogram form for local delivery or onward relay worldwide. County A ham radio net (network) is an on-air gathering of people with common interests, such as emergency preparedness, religion, or locale, using amateur radio as their communication medium. -- From The 3905 Century Club, ARRL NET SEARCH From The Six Meter World Wide DX Club, IOTA Pages - The first hour of the net is dedicated to Buy, Sell, Swap, and Wants. English-speaking SSB net where vessels underway can report their position and conditions, and boats at anchor pass on info about weather, anchoring, events, etc. QRP RTTY The 40-meter or 7-MHz band is an amateur radio frequency band, spanning 7.000-7.300 MHz in ITU Region 2, and 7.000-7.200 MHz in Regions 1 & 3. History of the Atlas Radio. 19:00 CST Mountain3.880mHZ8:00 PM Local Mountain Time Home Printable Roster Activity Reports About WCN Net Documents Resources Administration Site Map About The Net . 9:00 She and the post . South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST Friday - MID US SSB - 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central - SSB. National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. Old Gear Join one or all of them! ) An additional goal of our net is to promote camaraderie and the exchange of ideas . 7284 kHz Every Day 9:30 PT. Frequency: 7275. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience possible on our website. This net meets daily from 7:30 to 8:00 PM local time for the purpose of preparation and coordination of District 1 ARES communications in the event of an actual emergency. -Sun 07:30 PST, 3974 kHz AM MRCG West Coast Military Radio Net-West Coast Agent Guard Channel - 3550 (night) and 7050 (day) CW Not a formal, scheduled Net, but Monitored.-MMRCG 40M AM Net - First Saturday of Each Month -will be held on 7296 kHz at 9AM (14:00Z)-MMRCG 75M Weekly Rolling USB Net - The net will meet weekly on 3996 kHz USB on . For the buying, selling and trading of AM and AM MARITIME 00:00 UTC Traffic System History Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training Net Cruising nets are both a social tool for maintaining contact with fellow cruisers, and a key safety tool for gathering information on weather and sea conditions. var out = " "; New operators with little experience with the code cannot copy. 20:00 UTC 20 Meter Sunday Afternoon Net (14.263 mHz), W6TMU Jim Pacific Seafarers Net www.pacseanet.com (HAM) 14300 kHz at 0300(UTC). myriad of other things. West Coast 3.880 mHZ8:00 PM Local West Coast Time, Friday MID US SSB 3.775 mHz at 8 pm Central SSB During disasters or other emergencies, radiograms are used to communicate information critical to saving lives or property, or to inquire about the health or welfare of a disaster victim. -- From The 3905 Century Club Aurora, Oregon. WAS The Northwest day of the week, starting with those Cubic Astro 103 Restoration Notes from W7CPA. -- NTS Area Nets, NTS Region Nets, Wide Coverage, Local Nets, Section Nets, State Nets 7240 KHz immediately after the West Coast Swap net on Saturdays and Sundays. Hood 147.120 /444.225 Repeater Sunday Original 20m 14.263 mHz at 2000 UTC SSB Baja-California working in remote areas with communications expertise and equipment WEEKDAYS RAG CHEW & SWAP NET . Dennis L. Hall, KK7X. FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. Radios That Glow Top. out+=msg; WARA Field Day Photographs RTTY Nets secretary@pnwvhfs.org. Sailing Nets - West Coast at heatherk.com -- Also some WX and HF transceiver info. WWW.WARFA.ORG, MARITIME MOBILE NETS Sonrisa Net for Sea of Cortez, 3.968 MHz (3968 LSB) at 0730 PDT. Southern Country Except for the 1st Wednesday of each month. communications. Fri var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; HF Radio Nets are set up, either on a permanent, semi-permanent, or ad-hoc basis by groups of cruisers, shore stations, and other groups in order to facilitate this communication over a specific geographic area and at regular intervals. Coffee Net: Mon Wed Fri: 08:00 PST: Treasure Coast 31123: Pennsylvania Statewide: Tue: 20:00 EST: . Website: http://www.worc.info/. Heath/DX-60 Users There are a ton of 'em! NSN had a very nice sound in CW, "dah di, di di di, dah di." 14.316khz Sunday at 18:00Z. Texas Traders Net 3.919 Phone: 3755, 7060, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950, 28460, 28560 khz Our net is now in its 36th year of non-stop fun 365 days a year. -- LOADED -- Click on Wide Coverage (266 Nets), Local Nets (Hundreds - By State), Section Nets (Hundreds - By State), State Nets (Hundreds) 11:00 Worked All States Interactive Sked Page - Make a Schedule For That Elusive 774 Wisteria Dr 7.725 In the meantime Peter has launched a free global service for cruisers on passage. in the US going back to At other times Ham Radio Operators like you deliver radiograms as a public service. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather (for example, during a Skywarn activation), emergencies, or simply as a regular gathering of friends for conversation. Baja-California stated. Manana Net At times, SMARC receives notices that a net may be blatantly dismissing FCC rules and regulations, or has been found to be discriminatory, fanatical or extremist in nature when it comes to discrimination, political or religious topics or advances any kind of anti-governmental ideas or philosophies. Website: http://clackamasares.org, Linux User Net 810-9:00PM Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 444.400 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, also the 146.72 megahertz repeater on Wickiup Mountain with a 114.8 hz tone. FOR ALL THE UPCOMING SWAPMEETS, TIMES, LOCATIONS, ETC. KE7GGV Please send us an email if you are using others that you think should be listed, or you have updates to any listings [emailprotected]. else if (seed <= 100 && seed > 0) November 2019: Northland Maritime Radio information updated with Guardian service. Collins Net Emergencies, position reports, general information and traffic contacts. Frequency: 14.329 SAN DIEGO BOATING, ARRL NET SEARCH (562) 858-2883(cell) Note: This Net is off air until a new remote site can be located for the station. County Hunter Web, County hunters usually can be found participating in the Emergency and Mobile Operated by cruisers Patricia and David from SV Chameleon from their home base in Whangaparaoa, just north of Auckland. Generally, these times are 1300 to 2200 UTC, but they can be extended West Virginia DMR net TG 3154 7:30PM EST. Sunday, 1800 UTC, around 14.244Mhz. Fri (As of May, 2012 this net is shut down because of erratic propagation, but it is coming soon). Swap and Shop. This is followed by general check-ins for technical questions or in for the numbers (just a howdy hello) based on the call district you live in. Live streaming. Midwest Classic Radio The primary purpose of our net is to provide a place for Hams with RVs to make contact on the road, and to report weather and travel conditions in their area. MidCars worked closely with its sister services, ECARS (East Coast Amateur Radio Service) and WCARS (West Coast Amateur Radio Service). 3.885 . Florida amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. These nets are to be determinate not consistent with the spirit or comradery of the amateur radio hobby and will be removed from this list, or not added if requested. Mission. - The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Jim Bandy has stepped down but the net is still believed live. Maritime Mobile Service Network Cousins Nets -- Another Must SEESailing Mon - Added the date for the July 8th & 9th Salmoncon. Worked All States Interactive Sked Page. info. -- LOADED -- Click on Wide Coverage (266 Nets), Local Nets (Hundreds - By State), Section Nets (Hundreds - By State), State Nets (Hundreds), ASCRA - The Association of Saints Church Radio Amateurs Malcolm Keown, W5XX Section Manager 64 Lake Circle Drive Vicksburg MS 39180 (601) 636-0827 H (601) 638-3995 w5xx@arrl.org. 14.263 21390 USB East coast Halo net, daytime. Fri The nets main purpose is to look after vessels underway as they voyage between the outer islands of the Marshall Islands, but it is also a social network between cruisers and people on the outer islands with radios. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. ARRL NET SEARCH Horse Traders If you live in the Northwest and you are a ham radio operator and learning CW (Morse Code), this is the place for you. is considered the net home frequency. Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Palm Coast W4FPC 147.0750 Tallahassee NX4DN 444.1750 Tallahassee 3.913 19:00 CST Important information if heading to South Africa. Run by Gunther. -- Subscription Info, IOTA - Islands on the Air Frequencies (See Awards Section for Details) Days: Daily the week. . Check-ins are taken from any call district. YOUTH YL -- Frequencies & Nets developments and techniques in HF portable operation. About the Pacific RV Service Net. Choosing a Antenna for 2.4 ghz Mesh Network, Favorite Linux 3 Flavors & Desktop Environments, ThreatList: 83% of Routers Contain Vulnerable Code, Linux Vendors Where to Buy a Linux Computer, Optimize Raspberry Pi for Your Particular Use. http://www.7290trafficnet.org/_mgxroot/page_10736.html, http://www.lafevordr.net/srbsg_roster.htm, http://getbible.org/AFCkwork33ked38s9.html, http://www.arrl.org/images/view//Regulatory_/Color_Band_Chart_Image.jpg, http://www.legion.org/hamradio/monthly-net-schedule, http://www.collinsradio.org/information/cca-nets/, http://www.ve3ncq.ca/wordpress/?page_id=77, http://www.daytimetexastrafficnet7285.org/, http://www.heartlandhams.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=88:double-nickel-net, http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/planetary-k-index.gif, http://pages.suddenlink.net/w8gn/Evening Eye Bank Net, http://fmcaarc.com/index.php/nets-and-schedules/, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-freewheelers-net.html, http://www.arrl-ga.org/operations/Georgia%20Nets.pdf, http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/goes-x-ray-flux, http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/Ionospheric%20Map/WorldIMap.gif, http://internationalbiblestudynet.weebly.com/, http://www.jamaicaham.org/downloads/2%20Way%20Radio%20Frequencies.pdf, https://sites.google.com/site/kyphonenet/, http://www.wb4hfn.com/KENWOOD/KenwoodHomePage.htm, http://www.laarrl.org/ss/section/nets-listing/, http://www.reocities.com/TheTropics/3989/, http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/nc_nts_nets.html, http://www.ips.gov.au/Images/HF%20Systems/Global%20HF/HAP%20Charts/Kansas%20City.gif, http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/communities/radio-communications, http://www.arrl.org/Groups/view/southern-florida, http://www.ncarrl.org/nets/THEN/index.html, http://arrlntx.org/main/nts/section-traffic-nets/, http://www.moonlightersnet.com/moonlighters.html, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-rag-chew-crew.html, https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Roosternet/info, http://www.tailgatersnet.com/the-tailgaters-net.html, http://www.waterwayradio.net/netformat.htm, Amateur Radio Sunrise Bible Study Group-Study, California American Legion Amatur Radio Service, HF PACK All day, various frequencies & times, Multiple Nets all on 14.300 MHZ Every Day, Optimum HF Frequencies for Distance Communication, SATERN - Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network, The HiFivers Amateur Radio Friendship Net, West Gulf Division ARRL - Section Managers Net. Connecticut Amateur Radio Association. AMSAT Sun net; an important point is that the bulletin beaming Washington County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) exists for the purpose of providing backup emergency communications to many served agencies in Washington County, Oregon. 0930 National Traffic System You're best bet is to search the ARRL database. Drake Net 8,101 at 21:15. . Intl Texas Traders On The Air -- Pics and lots of links, YL 3.865 Fremont, CA 94539 This net is one of the oldest continuous VHF nets 7.225 North American Talk Box 8:00 PM CST. 8104 USB Baja southbound net, early morning. along the east coast of the US. Night South-Cars is a phone net operating on 7.251 MHZ. We operate a series of over 100 linked repeaters which cover a great deal of the US and many other countries around the world. Maritime Net -- a long Saturday 7.295 Mhz, 7:AM Eastern Time. -- From Westchester County, NYNational -- Avoid the Big Guns, QRP Mail List Reflectors -- Subscription Info, K3UK Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. Nemo's HF Frequencies If anyone has any questions feel free to contact the NET Net Management Team at pdxnet.net@gmail.com, Website URL Short Address: http://bit.ly/NETNet, Website Complete Address: https://portlandprepares.org/net-resources/radio/ham-radio-2/practice-opportunities-2/net-net/, Clackamas County Amateur Radio Emergency Services- CARES Net Every Sunday Night at 7 PM on the Mt. 15:00 TO 16:00 UTC Sun CHEWING NET( Mon Netherlands the SRS (Surplus Radio BOAT ANCHORS USCG CW Operators Assn ZUT Net - Thursday 1130 EST/0830 PST 14.052 mHz. Provide current weather analysis and forecasts for cruising yachts and fishermen in the SW Pacific plus position and progress of boats that leave NZ. The Wednesday Night Casual Net is held from 8:00 PM until 8:30 PM Wednesday evenings on the 146.96 MHz repeater. 7:00 PM EST They are one of the key reasons for investing in a SSB or HAM radio system. The purpose of this net is to provide information to mariners and to facilitate communications between boaters and with friends and family back home. The NTTN net meets daily at 6:05 p.m. Website Search . Today, with inexpensive communication capability available to anyone, routine message handling has dwindled and is largely used for training purposes. Beaverton Emergency Radio Team (BERT) net The NTTN is an Amateur Radio Net to handle formal written traffic into and out of the state of Oregon. 2300 UTC Cousins Nets GENERAL NETS 1:00 PM Sun. Operating At Sea The annual dues are $3.00 per year, and you can subscribe for 1 or 3 years, or for a lifetime membership. British Columbia Boaters Net http://www.bcbn.ca/The BCBN operates daily during the summer months from 1700 PDT using the Vancouver Island Trunk System. . 3.885 -- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968 -- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating. Our net begins at 11:00pm Pacific time on the Win System reflector 9100. which is the hub for 90 regularly linked repeaters plus visitors. Net Details. PolyMagNetSSB Radio Net in Polynesia8173 kHz USB at 1800 UTC and 0400 UTC (8:00 AM and 6:00 PM Tahiti local time) 7 days a week. Sunday 19:00 / 18:00 11:00 Sun. Florida Net 147.120 MHz (+), PL 136.5. The net changed to the new talk group about a month ago. You can pick the net which best fits your schedule and your reward for helping is the thrill of getting to know many of our members on the air. * Net warm-up & co-ordination sessions frequently begin prior to the published net opening time. Manana Net Antigua / Antilles. Wikipedia: Amateur Radio Net. 00:00 UTC Management Net East 3.9875 LSB Sunday 9:00 am Century Club Late Net 3.902 LSB Daily 6:00 pm WPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.983 LSB Daily 6:00 pm EPA Phone and Traffic Net 3.917 LSB Daily 6:00 pm 160 Meter Nets 160 Meter Net 1.893 LSB Winston VFW Ham Swap Meet, Winston Oregon. Local Nets on The K7RPT ARRG Repeater System Only, CPCBSA Scout Net 430PM-5:00PM 147.32, 442.325, 444.400, 444.125 and 147.04 megahertz linked repeaters all having a 100hZ tone, Neighborhood Emergency Communications Net Portlands Net Net. - Added the date for the August 12th Kootenai Amateur Radio Society Hamfest. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. 7.2395 Amateur Radio Service The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. ARRL. FREQS IOTA Below is a list of HF nets available to local Hams with the right equipment. A comprehensive list of all the Pacific Radio Nets, both SSB and HAM. FM101x - New To FM Repeaters ? Most participating stations are located in Northern California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. 7:00PM 145.440 MHz. } AM CST 13:00 UTC Find out more at https://passageguardian.nz, contact: [emailprotected]. 3803 Roundtable Net Western Australia. Randy Becnel W5UE Webmaster National Traffic System Time: 2300UTC Check out the weekly net, Monday nights at 7:00pm on 146.840, no tone. ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio 225 Main Street Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Tel: 1-860-594-0200 | Fax: 1-860-594-0259 Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 hq@arrl.org Here's what Wikipedia says. They may go up or down Slightly if there is QRM. AM Swap Net Amateur radio, commonly referred to as "Ham" radio, is popular among the yachting and small boat community as a means of providing communications and receiving weather information. Yaesu users net Net Information: Freq: 3540 kHz The CW speeds are to high. This net meets regularly on the first Wednesday of each month. About Me. Frequency, 145.27, 145.43, 146.80, 443.150 and 442.525 MHz repeaters, all having a pl tone of 107.2. Last ref 2010, This is a list of all the Pacific Radio Nets, both SSB and HAM, that we know about. The BCBN provides service to amateur radio operators who are boating in BC waters. Old Tube CW Maritime Net -- a long North Port Amateur Radio Club (NPARC) The club operates a chat net at 8:00 pm on Mondays using the K4NPT repeater in North Port near Warm Mineral Springs. Seems current Panama Pacific Net, 8143 kHz at 14:00 daily. PICANTE NET 6212 kHz - USB Daily @13:30Z. Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A HAM TO . ECARS is a acronym for East Coast Amateur Radio Read The Beginning of NSN by Bob Klepper, W7IEU, for the story. C.C.A. NOTE: AC6V.com is an archive of Rod/AC6V's webpages, and is no longer being updated. Pacific Island Net (South Pacific) 14,135 USB at 00:00. -- From The 3905 Century Club, RTTY Nets . Mobile NA6R Link Pages. 1497 Marelen Dr around the East Coast area, setup skeds, QRP support, or just sit back and enjoy. Methods of contacting the BDBN are shown on their website. allow. DX NETS BY UTC TIME, OKDXA Time: 0100UTC WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO net includes Microwave. For decades, amateur radio operators in the United States and Canada have traditionally passed both routine and emergency messages on behalf of others as part of the public-service mission allowed within the USA and Canadian government amateur radio regulations. Click Here Washington DC area. January 2020: Northland SSB Net details updated. timerTwo=window.setTimeout(cmd,100); BM TG 3119886 and TGIF TG 6282. hwn.org. Vanuatu NetOperates daily at 0730 Local times, 2030 UTC during cruising season on 8.230 with a fallback frequency of 8.188, West Coast Boaters Net (Summer only, HAM, primarily BChttp://www.rolybrown.ca/wcboaters.htm. LOCAL CLUB NETS What is the West Coast Net (WCN)? else Boy and Girl Scout Web Pages K9GDT's Cubic Ham Radio mini-museum. 3.902 Country Cousins Nets, WESTERN AMATEUR RADIO Amigo Net (very popular/helpful for Pacific Mexico) 1400(UTC) Daily 4149/4146. In memory in Les Visit their website for information and resources. Guide To Amateur Radio Sailing-- Includes Maritime Mobile Ham Forum Maritime Mobile Service Network-- Serving Maritime Mobiles Every Day Since 1968-- Over 1,300 radio amateurs with interest in boating. E-mail Manager KG6DYS Crickett January 2022: Pacific Maritime Radio updated. Sun Thur Hunter.com -- Loaded -- By The goal of this website is to provide you with a little information about the Sun Country Amateur Radio Society, our repeaters, some of the activities associated with our group and a bunch of general ham radio information. Continental Traders 4 el yagi or vertical (to accommodate check-in's polarity) at 25 feet, 35-75w. Net Information: Meets Daily 7:30-PM-8:00PM on the linked K7RPT Repeaters, Our primary repeaters are the 147.32, 442.325, 3.922 with an alternate frequency of 7265 kHz for both nets. Meter Nets -- Occassionally, mobile operators will shift to other bands. The North American Youth Net 1245~1630 PST Sailing Links-- Another Must SEE. 8:00 PM EST Oregon Pacific Puddle Jump www.pacificpuddlejump.comSupports, and reports on, the annual migration of cruising sailors from the West Coast of the Americas to French Polynesia. Monday - Saturday, 9am to 1pm Eastern time. Larry J Saletzki var cmd="scrollit_r21(" + seed + ")"; After Dark The YL International Single Side-band System (YLISSB) was founded in 1963.Despite its name, the System is open to both YLs and OMs members. West Virginia DMR and Service net: Thu: 20:00 EST: West Virginia 3154: Louisiana Net: Thu: 20:00 CST: . NOTE: This list is current as of this writing! 10/12/2021. held daily. The frequency on 30m is 10.1225 These nets are South Central 3.890 mHZ 6:30 PM CST 3.920 are active with amateur radio around the world. DMR UTAH . 19:30 EST Referenced in 2006, 2009, 2013, SHEILA Net, 8161 kHz daily at 2200(UTC). 40m Net: 7.100 MHz: Tuesday - 1400 UTC Winter and 1500 UTC Summer; September-May. and 3970 kHz. The Portland Public Schools Amateur Radio Club Traffic Net is held Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM on the 440.25 MHz repeater. The DMR repeaters are connected utilizing a Rayfield Communications C-Bridge. The work is easy and lots of fun too. Northwest Saturday Morning Swap Net Read More. West Coast. Drop in and check out some of our participants shacks. A net is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Sat Leans towards the irreverent and informal. Please Join us every Monday evening at 8:00 pm for our weekly Beaverton CERT Net. The Northwest Oregon Traffic and Training net is a affiliated with the Radio Relay International Traffic System. May 14, 2020 ICOM Net "Radios That Glow in the Dark" net. Sheffield-live ham radio net - A friendly dx net who welcomes new comers to amateur radio and the serious dxer alike; Daily from 2000gmt on 14.208mhz. You can find us onW7NK and Oregon Repeater Associates, the EXH repeaters 441.35 MHz (+), with a tone of 100.0 Hz (W7EXH) & 145.31 MHz (-), with a tone of 123.0 Hz (N7EXH). WA2PZI Net -- Maritime Nets HUNTER NET FREQUENCIES Website: http://www.multnomahares.org/, Portland Amateur Radio Club PARC Post Falls, ID. Covers NE Coast of Australia, New Guinea, Louisiade Archipelago, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Noumea. No net control. the beginning of the 5 Meter Band! Mountain3.880 mHZ 8:00 PM Local Mountain Time for Boaters -- Lots of info here, Guide To Amateur All times to be considered UTC time unless specified otherwise. Day Time Zone Net Freqy Location Other; Daily: 5:00 AM: ET: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: 1.888: East Coast: Daily: 5:00 AM: ET: Early Morning 160 Meter Net: 1.888 .

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