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See Also: Happens before the modification of the state history. Returns whether playback of the track has been paused. Generally, you would use this for data that does not change and should not be stored within story variables, which would make it part of the history. Terminates the execution of the current <>. Code like <> seems to have no effect because the startup state is replaced by the of the incoming state, but they are still executed by the engine. Note: Attaches fullscreen change event handlers. Generally, this means only when the variable's value will change between the time the asynchronous macro is invoked and when it's activatede.g., a loop variable. Returns the bottommost (least recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). Valid values are boolean true/false, which causes the UI bar to always/never start in the stowed state, or an integer, which causes the UI bar to start in the stowed state if the viewport width is less-than-or-equal-to the specified number of pixels. This guide will detail how these features work. Object that authors/developers may use to set up various bits of static data. Activates the moment at the given offset from the active (present) moment within the full state history and show it. Note: Does not modify the original. Silently executes its contents when the incoming passage is done rendering and has been added to the page. Warning: This is not necessarily the same as the current state of the story: because moment creation is tied to passage navigation, changes that occur between one passage navigation and the next are not part of the current moment and will not be preserved by a moment until the next navigation, when the next moment is created. If you're simply looking to download ready-to-use localizations, see SugarCube's website (under Downloads > Localizations). Deletes the audio group with the given group ID. Views make their associated code visible, thus providing onscreen feedbackthey may also be hovered over which, generally, exposes additional information about the underlying code. Registers the passage as a VTT passage. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. The second, and also mandatory, character of the variable name may be one of the following: the letters A though Z (in upper or lower case), the dollar sign, and the underscore (i.e., A-Za-z$_)after their initial use as the sigil, the dollar sign and underscore become regular variable characters. See Guide: Media Passages for more information. Groups are useful for applying actions to multiple tracks simultaneously and/or excluding the included tracks from a larger set when applying actions. Note: Returns whether playback of the playlist has been stopped. Repeatedly executes its contents. Equivalent to including the nobr special tag on every passage. See the .flat() method for its replacement. To avoid this problem, it's suggested that you use the separate argument form of the <> macro in Twine2as shown above. The core of what it does is simply to wrap a call to, This method has been deprecated in favor of the, This method has been deprecated and should no longer be used. You will, very likely, never need to use State.top directly within your code. The equivalent SugarCube code to achieve a similar result would be: Note: When a new moment is created, SugarCube stores the playthrough state to session storage. Warning: Resets the setting with the given name to its default value. These, rare, instances are noted in the macros' documentation and shown in their examples. See Localization for more information. For example: Captures story $variables and temporary _variables, creating localized versions of their values within the macro body. Interrupts an in-progress fade of the selected tracks, or does nothing if no fade is progressing. This is chiefly intended for use by add-ons/libraries. You may forcibly enable test mode manually by setting the Config object's debug property to true. Note: Warning: Returns the first Unicode code point within the string. Note: Valid values are boolean true, which simply causes the autosave to be loaded, the string "prompt", which prompts the player via a dialog to load the autosave, or a function, which causes the autosave to be loaded if its return value is truthy. The verbatim HTML markup disables processing of all markup contained withinboth SugarCube and HTMLpassing its contents directly into the output as HTML markup for the browser. Documentation, downloads, and the like can be found within each section. If necessary, however, you may manually change their valuesn.b. Each moment contains data regarding the active passage and the state of all story variablesthat is, the ones you use the $ sigil to interact withas they exist when the moment is created. Determines whether the <> macro returns an error when the = assignment operator is used within its conditionale.g., <>. Valid collection types are: arrays, generic objects, maps, sets, and strings. Save API. Note: Now, load the saved story from before the changes were made, and you'll see $y is undefined, since it doesn't exist at all in the loaded state. Additionally, SugarCube's link macro accepts a passage argument, that, if included, turns any <> into something similar to Harlowe's (link-goto:) macro. If you need them, then you'll need to keep them out of story variables. The line continuation markup performs a similar function, though in a slightly different way. Subtracts the value on the right-hand side of the operator from the current value on the left-hand side and assigns the result to the left-hand side. A Twine 2 proofing format that renders nodes as a GraphViz (dot) graph. The most interesting of which, from an end-user's standpoint, are 410. Warning: Tag it with the appropriate media passage special tag, and only that tagsee below. Creates a radio button, used to modify the value of the variable with the given name. Several State API methods have moved to the new Engine API. See Config API for more information. Gets or sets the mute-on-hidden state for the master volume (default: false). For more details you might want to see my "Arrays vs Generic Objects" article (part of the help file for my "Universal Inventory System" for Twine/SugarCube, or "UInv" for short). When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioTrack instance for chaining. The loading process is as described in SimpleAudio.load(). If you want to change the font or color, then you'll need to change the styling of the macro-type class. Instead, call the UI.restart() static method, which prompts the player with an OK/Cancel dialog before itself calling Engine.restart(), if they accept. Controls the playback of the playlist, which must be set up via <>the deprecated <> may be used instead, though it is not recommended. Note: If you simply want to apply actions to multiple tracks simultaneously, then you want a group instead. Story API. If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count (which can be -1). The core menu item for the Settings dialog. Using State.active directly is generally unnecessary as there exist a number of shortcut properties, State.passage and State.variables, and story functions, passage() and variables(), which grant access to its normal properties. Returns the last member from the array. Note: Note: If multiple passage titles are given, returns the logical-AND aggregate of the seti.e., true if all were found, false if any were not found. A set of opening and closing tagsi.e., defines the verbatim HTML markup. Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. For example, a common use of <> is to perform various actions before forwarding the player to another passage. The number of moments contained within the story history is, generally, limited, via the Config.history.maxStates setting. There are several predefined group IDs (:all, :looped, :muted, :paused, :playing) and custom IDs may be defined via <>. Only the primitives, generic objects, some JavaScript natives (specifically: Array, Date, Map, RegExp, and Set), and DOM node objects are supported by default. Harlowe's implementation of data types differs significantly from SugarCube's. Use the Edit Story Stylesheet story editor menu item for styles. There is no one size fits all example for either of these methods because an instance's properties, and the data contained therein, are what determine what you need to do. Functionally identical to <>. Selects all internal link elements within the passage element who have been disablede.g., already chosen. Prepends one or more unique members to the beginning of the base array and returns its new length. Note: For example, you might use the story variable $name to store the main player character's name or the story variable $cash to store how much money the player has on hand. Instances of the Passage object are returned by the Story.get() static method. Note: Creates a link that undoes past moments within the story history. Harlowe's implementation of the (goto:) macro terminates the rendering passage. Returns whether the track is currently unavailable for playback. Deprecated: There are cases, however, where things get a bit more complicated, namely: instances where you need to pass the name of a variable as an argument, rather than its value, and those where you want to pass the result of an expression as argument. The predefined variable output, which is a reference to a local content buffer, is available for use within the macro's code contents. All widgets may access arguments passed to them via the _args special variable. Setting API method calls must be placed within your project's JavaScript section (Twine2: the Story JavaScript; Twine1/Twee: a script-tagged passage) or settings will not function correctly. See the forget() function for its replacement. The autosave feature is occasionally confused with the playthrough session feature, but they are in fact distinct systems. In SugarCube, the passage is not terminated, and anything in the code below the <> macro will have side effects. Reloading the page or revisiting a passage may not restore the state of some interactive macros, so it is recommended that you only use them in instances where this will not be an issue or where you can work around it. Creates a new widget macro (henceforth, widget) with the given name. To do so, click on the name of your story in its main "story map" view. A side effect simply means that the evaluation of the expression modifies some state. For standard browser/DOM events, see the Event reference @MDN. Deprecated: Deprecated: Valid values are the name of the property being animated, which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once that transition animation is complete, or an integer delay (in milliseconds), which causes the outgoing passage element to be removed once the delay has expired. Note: Does not modify the original. Returns whether the UI bar is currently hidden. The audio subsystem that supports the audio macros comes with some built-in limitations and it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with them. Note: Adding additional properties directly to save objects is not recommended. Template API. Arrays have many built-in methods and other features, and SugarCube adds many more. Gets or sets the playlist's repeating playback state (default: false). Returns whether the operation was successful. Added to the active passage's container element, Added to the active passage's container element and. Note: Collects tracks, which must be set up via <>, into a group via its <> children. Note: The Config.audio.pauseOnFadeToZero setting (default: true) determines whether the audio subsystem automatically pauses tracks that have been faded to 0 volume (silent). Determines whether alternate passage descriptions are used by the Saves and Jump To menusby default an excerpt from the passage is used. If you should chose to use an explicit seed, however, it is strongly recommended that you also enable additional entropy, otherwise all playthroughs for all players will be exactly the same. In use, replacement patterns are replaced recursively, so replacement strings may contain patterns whose replacements contain other patterns. Renders and displays the passage referenced by the given title, optionally without adding a new moment to the history. If there were errors, an exception is thrown. Returns the first member from the array. Pauses playback of the playlist and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces its tracks to drop any existing data and begin loading. Returns a reference to the dialog's content area. See the :passagerender event for its replacement. See: Moves forward one moment within the full history (past + future), if possible, activating and showing the moment moved to. SugarCube, like JavaScript, uses dynamic typing. See Setting API for more information. The entire Options systemMenuOptions special passage, options special variable, and associated macroshas been scrapped for numerous reasonsit was always a hack, required copious amounts of boilerplate code to be useful, etc. This section offers a list of SugarCube-specific events, triggered at various points during story operation. Does not modify the original. Attaches fullscreen error event handlers. Note: Removes and returns a random member from the base array. It would probably help if you were more specific as to your goal. Used within <> macros. Twine1/Twee: Registers the passage as a CSS stylesheet, which is loaded during startup. See: Returns whether the specified key exists within the story metadata store. Deletes all currently registered on-load handlers. > Title says it all. A function, which causes the autosave to be updated for each passage where its return value is truthy. Warning: All these instructions are based on the SugarCube story format. Warning: Non-generic object types (a.k.a. If you simply want to empty the selected element(s), not remove them outright, you should use an empty <> macro instead. Assigns the value on the right-hand side of the operator to the left-hand side. Unstows the UI bar, so that it is fully accessible again. Deletes the specified on-load handler, returning true if the handler existed or false if not. Does not flag other assignment operators. This feature is largely incompatible with private browsing modes, which cause all in-browser storage mechanisms to either persist only for the lifetime of the browsing session or fail outright. Returns the number of moments within the full in-play history (past + future). Used within <> macros. Pauses playback of the selected tracks and, if they're not already in the process of loading, forces them to drop any existing data and begin loading. Does not modify the original. Note: Adds an audio group with the given group ID. A new moment is created whenever passage navigation occurs, and only when passage navigation occurs. Returns the Passage object referenced by the given title, or an empty Passage object on failure. See the :passagedisplay event for its replacement. Returns a new array consisting of the source array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the given depth. Returns a reference to the current jQuery object for chaining. This only affects test mode. See Fullscreen API for more information.

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