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We all felt responsible to ensure that we work with the taiao not against her. They represent the duality of our experience, connected through a sacred intersection of opposites a space where two worlds fuse and a non-dual state of awareness resides. Io Matua Kore is often understood as the supreme being in Polynesian narrative, particularly of the Mori people.. Io does seem to be present in the mythologies of other Polynesian islands including Hawai'i, the Society Islands, and the Cook Islands. 37 He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka, e motu Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed Loving human connections can not be broken There is something very special in meeting someone that you have a genuine deep connection with. 47 E kore te kumara e ki ake he mangaro ia The kumara does not speak of its own sweetness We do not boast Talk about the how not the what. book hinemutu. Show example They were unanimous about whakapapa: They knew the most powerful and effective way to transfer this knowledge and information, was through storytelling. From there, we can trace whakapapa down to us, te ira tangata. 38 He kuaka marangaranga, kotahi manu e tau ki te tahuna, tau atu, tau atu, tau atu The flock of godwits have swooped up into the air, one lands on the sandbank and the others follow Leaders and followers work together For teams to be successful, they need to share the same vales. They pushed with all their might;they dug their heels into the ground and pressed their shoulders up against the sky, to no avail. The Mori creation story and its tradition is so strong that it can influence all aspects of life. How do we honour their efforts? Tne is the personification of all forms of tree and birdlife. Do you take stock of your emotional inventory and check to see any patterns emerging? It can be hard to give up the old ways but we have to constantly strive forward adapting and changing to the new environment. The point has been made in many sources about the importance within Ngpuhi of descent from Rahiri who was born within the period 1475-1525. This whakapapa represents a European view of the development from Te Kore (the void), to Te P (the night), to Te Ao (the day). 17 Ehara i te aurukowhao, he takerehaia Not a leak in the upper lashings, but an open rent in the hull! Our rate of consumption is ridiculously unsustainable. Website: Little Biz Online. It illustrates profound ideas, meaning and messages both personal, resonating deep within her own psyche, and universal, linking with other cosmic origin stories across time and cultures. The McLean papers on Papers Past Letter by Epiha Te Kuao to Sir Donald McLean, related to Epiha Arama Karaka, 4 October 1848. "[5] Buck believed that the Io tradition was restricted to the Ngti Kahungunu as a response to Christianity. (bellbirds, tuis, kokako, parakeet, si_kaka, tuis2, tuis3, tuis4, silvereye, fantail1, grey_warbler, ni_robin, si_robin, cicada_kereru, whitehead, kea, takahe, morepork, male_kiwi, female_kiwi, kakapo, shearwater, yellow_eyed_penguin), boiling_mud sound adapted from Bubbling Cauldron, Mike Koenig , http://soundbible.com/51-Bubbling-Cauldron.html, mud footstep sounds (http://www.freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/16771) copyright (C) 2006 by dobroide, [CC by 3.0]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Understanding the process of Whakapapa which leads you to th Whakapapa is derived from these beginnings. How did France's American colonies differ from Spain's Do you accept the evidence in front of you or do you ignore the information because it makes you uncomfortable? There are however other whakapapa from the original inhabitants of the regions who pre-date these named tribes, and with whom . There is: Apart from these shared themes, there is considerable diversity among various iwi versions of the creation story. It was the tuhu or altar set up by Hoturoa the captain of the "Tainui" on her arrival, and is named in memory of the district in Tahiti from whence they camenow called Te Fana-i-Ahurei. Every culture or civilisation has its traditions about how the world was created. Ka takahia e ia te ture kore whakapapa i te tuatahi. Ko koe te ringa e huti punga! The Creation story and the Mori gods and their attributes are a perfect place to start. If you use these words, make sure you understand what you are conveying. Te Mahi Oneone Hua Parakore: A Mori Soil Sovereignty and Wellbeing Handbook. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. You start to see the blessings and opportunities after all. When both sides are integrated they seem to create a wholeness, a perfect balance, an alchemical third and higher state of wisdom and love. korowai o te whanaungatanga. The Night in which nothing is seen. See example explanations and information from Waikato Tainui and Ngi Tahu. In Mori cosmology creation is detailed as a whakapapa, which outlines the numerous generations of Te Kore (the void), Te P (the night) and Te Ao (the day). The Para Kore whnau are passionate about and committed to collective action for a zero carbon, zero waste Aotearoa New Zealand that honours mana Mori motuhake and regenerates Ranginui and Papatnuku. Para Kore reserves the rights to all content (photos, videos, materials) on our website. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. We are so busy looking to the future, potentially wisdom from years past might give us some explanation on what to do in the future. Who is the god of..? He mea whakat a Para Kore i te tau 2010, ko te hononga whakapapa ki a Papatnuku tna mtpono matua. From: [Auckland] : Stuart Ward, 2020. Main Point Appreciate the life you have, the people in it. Te Kore, Whakapapa, Io - Digital Prints Printed matte on 300gsm, A4 paper, these works show a progressive journey of healing and hope through the time of COVID 19. There are whakapapa that show how people, birds, fish, trees and natural phenomena are all related. Get a better understanding of what is out there and go on your adventure, returning wiser than when you left. We can look at creation in three movements. Te Kore-te-wiwia. The howling winds bent Tne and his children. Tne Mahuta - Atua of man and forests, and all which inhabits the forests. revised cooking of tree seeds: seed meal -> seed cake. The change of position meant he could absorb more weight and generate enough force to push apart and, finally separate his parents. The arrival of the sun at dawn symbolises the creation of the world of light. When she began her exploration of Mori mythology, it was a way of finding a link to her own roots Ngti Porou ancestors. [6] Others such as James Cox argues that this "pre-Christian" understanding of a supreme god may in fact be due to the earlier Mormon missionary activities.[7]. What is that process though and why should we trust it? Radio Waatea is Auckland's only Mori radio station that provides an extensive bi-lingual broadcast to its listeners. Te Toi-Urutapu means the sacred power enabling man to do god-like works, exercise god-like mana or a chief's mana. Hap, which translates as sub-tribe, also means to be pregnant, to generate life. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. Also, our internal monologue is important to consider and watch. In the end, the brothers became Mori Gods, guardians, or atua of particular domains. 10 E ea ai te werawera o Tane tahuaroa me heke te werawera o Tane te wananga Satisfy the sweat of the cooks by getting a good sweat up while learning To properly acknowledge the efforts of all cooks, we need to give learning our all Creating time and space to honour each others roles and responsibilities. Kore he utu m te tuku tono mai ki a mtau, , mn ka hiahia koe ki te whakamahi ria, ka hei pea koe ki te tono i te whina ture. It expresses the idea of birth from common ancestors and incorporates the idea of growth. 20 Ko o tatou whakapono nga kaiwehewehe i a tatau. te_kore_whakapapa adapted from https://teara.govt.nz/en/speech/30768/te-kore-whakapapa Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 New Zealand Licence. Its not until after youve clawed your way out of the darkness, after being upset at how unfair life is, after freaking out because you didnt know how you were going to make it work, that something clicks and the bigger picture starts to take shape. Ki taku mohio kei te uaua etahi o nga tangata, no reira ka whakamarama au ma te ngawari ki te . Tne is also regarded by many as the starting point of our whakapapa, our genealogy, for it was Tne who took earth from his mother, Papatnuku, and shaped it, breathing life into it (hence the phrase, Tihei Mauri Ora), thus creating the first woman from which all humans were born; Hine-ahu-one. Te ira atua were then free to stretch themselves, to grow and reside over the different domains we know as our natural environment today. With kaimahi throughout the motu Para Kore delivers a te ao Mori based sustainability education programme called Oranga Taiao. Nothingness became something, earth and sky were separated, and nature evolved. Mori ki Otago Gods, deities ), lays the foundation for our physical connections, including our familial and social structures. ( We know better than that). Mori creation stories are used as a form of healing, connecting Mori to their whakapapa. Science systematic investigation, testing assumptions and seeking knowledge. Whenua, the land that nourishes iwi, is also the name for the placenta, the organ that nourishes the unborn child. 47 - E kore te kumara e ki ake he . Twhirimtea confronted his brothers. Select the answer that best expresses the same relationship as the one in the capitalized pair. When we peel back the layers of our selves, what do we end up with? The lesson from our creation story that can be applied to almost anything goes: An idea (Te Kore: formless, potential) > developing phases(Te P: takes on form)> actualised and created (Te Ao Mrama, realisation). Te Kore-i-ai. Whakapapa links people to all other living things, and to the earth and the sky, and it traces the universe back to its origins. We require help and support whether we want to admit it or not. Based at Ng Whare Waatea marae in Mangere, it is located in the middle of the biggest Mori population in Aotearoa. Sofia's lifelong goal (which can prove near impossible at times) is to embrace both pleasure and pain with the knowledge that it is all ultimately for our souls growth and an intrinsic part of lifes journey. Established in 2010, Para Kore Marae Incorporated is a Mori, not-for-profit, zero waste organisation with a vision of oranga taiao, oranga whnau, oranga marae. It serves as an acknowledgement and a reminder of whence we came, of our lineage and our heritage. Plant the seed of growth and opportunity by doing the little things everyday. Give them love. It also means bones (koiwi), the structures that support and strengthen iwi Mori. 48 E toa ai a Whiro, me noho puku noa a Kou tangata All that evil needs to triumph is for good people to do nothing Apathy breeds evil How do you overcome apathy in the face of challenges that seem so vast and overwhelming that people dont know where to start? I mea mai te Komihana e hua ake ana ng kupu o te whakaritenga -marea i ng raruraru uruhitanga n te kore e tino mrama. Atarangi Anderson is a multidisciplinary artist who works with textile design, photography, and jewellery. Ranginui and Papatnuku held each other in an eternal embrace, which meant, for their numerous children, it was eternally dark, forever night (Te P). Consequently, Mori communities successfully use these stories as part of narrative therapy. In the beginning of creation, Ranginui and Papatnuku were in a tight embrace, their 70 or so children between them. Contains a large number of realistic native flora, biomes, and more. Be present with the person in the conversation by being silent. Whaikrero (speeches) that take place within the wharenui are expected to be more calm. Te Kore-te-rawea. to use Codespaces. When in reality, my tpuna wove layers upon layers of metaphor, insight and wisdom about the world, into the arts. Fortune tellers are a fun activity you and your learners may like. The three states of this evolution or progression of creation are:- Te Kore; energy, potential, the void, nothingness. Many other minor additions, fixes, and adjustments. The bright light of day. when were redskin lollies first made. Te Kore holds our potential, not only for physical growth, but for consciousness, creativity and learning. It is how we make our connections, recognise our identity, ground ourselves to a place and to people. K, bye.. All of these terms bind Mori as a group to the very structures which strengthen and sustain us, which ensure our survival, both spiritually and physically. Every culture or civilisation has its traditions about how the world was created. The ascent of Tne through the 12 heavens to obtain the baskets of knowledge symbolises an individual striving toward insight and understanding. It is way to ground you and connect you to the past and the present.

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