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Author: Rob McCreary. With no human cult seemingly active, it is most likely a wayward sorcerer who might seek to call upon Zathog in the hope of gaining wisdom from beyond this galaxy. The power costs 3 magic points, lasts for 1D6+1 rounds, and can only be broken or negated by magical means. While such tactics appear to have paid off in a number of cases, the overall cult of Utulls-Hrher remains small at this time. Occasionally, human-like hands seem to reach forth through its skin, as though clawing to break free. Just for a moment, I saw its head: a pointed snout with two deep-set beady eyes and a great maw of huge teeth that could swallow a man whole. Most consider this form to epitomize the Outer Gods rage, as it seems capable only of death and destruction, with none of the subtly of the entitys other forms. Rlim Shaikorth, the white worm Little is known of Saaitii, otherwise called Sal-Oo-Tep, with never-ending debate by scholars as to its proper classification. Thus, we assume like other Old Ones, that Yigs form is mutable. Prison or paradise one might conjecture, but the truth remains beyond the grasp of humanity. Yet more dispute both these theories and state Gnophkehs is a god-like Old One, whose name in the human tongue just closely resembles the ghoph-keh. Possession: when manifesting, Saaitii possesses the nearest animal or human, corrupting and twisting flesh to create a swine-like horror. 140 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings Kn-yanian worshippers may find they are transported into the black sun to momentarily join with their deities; most return severely changed by the experience. And, if not manifesting physically, Ygolonac may instead latch onto the person speaking its name to form a mental link through which it can infect that persons thoughts. Undoubtedly, the varied arguments concerning Ithaquas plight and agenda will continue for some time; however, one must not forget the reality of this entity and its propensity for both lethality and destruction, which, while remaining as folklore for the majority, is a source of true suffering and terror for a few. Mundane weapons (incl. Powers Cosmic Realignment: able to pull planets into new orbits, destroy planets, cause stars to die or be born, and any other number of cosmic phenomena. long nails thrust forth. [I have since discovered an interesting reference to another member of the alien's race in Delta Green: Countdown, which also mentions that the aliens have been detailed in Ye Booke of Monstres, which was then subsumed into The Creature Collection, and is currently in print as part of malleus Monstrorum, all from Chaosium.] With over 110 entries concerning Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings, this tome supplies a plethora of ideas to immerse your campaigns and scenarios deep in the heart of Cthulhu Mythos lore. All rights reserved. Given the entitys ability to be misinterpreted by human perception, its worship has often been disguised through prayers and devotions to simplistic earthly gods, with true meanings hidden beneath layers of obfuscation, allowing cults to operate openly while keeping their motivations and purpose obscured. Witnesses may see the entire process through the translucent sack. Regenerates 1 hit point per round (death at zero hit points); cannot regenerate if immersed/sprayed with running water. Look not upon its eye lest you spy the darkness behind and within. "Five out of five eldritch tentacles I think the slipcase is worth it just for the first book of monsters alone. Another rumor speaks of the entitys tears, which constantly flow from its huge white eye. Although not going into too much detail, Swan muses that such beliefs may have been carried down the years within some particularly closed communities in England and Germany, and possibly transported to the Americas by settlers who held on to the Old Ways (he even remarks that the introduction of wild boar to North America may have some connection to these beliefs). The secretive cult is said to have dug deep into the earth to create a lair of darkness for their new-born god and, in the years since, it has continued to grow while fed on sacrifices brought to it by the cult. Sonic Wave: sends forth sound powerful enough to damage structures and harm the living, causing varying damage based on the number of magic points invested (each magic point equates to a die roll, so 4 magic points deliver 1D4 damage, 6 points equals 1D6 damage, and 10 points being 1D10 damage). Spells: while the Queen has access to any spells desired by the Keeper, the following spells are particularly suitable Bind Enemy, Cloud Memory, Contact Rat-Thing, Dampen Light, Dominate, Implant Fear, Mental Suggestion, Mind Blast, Send Dream, Sirens Song, Soul Singing, Spectral Razor, Venomous Glance, Wrath of Pazzuzu. - Q - Fighting 90% (45/18), damage 2D6 + burn (see above) Grab (mnvr) 90% (45/18), held then crush 3D6 damage (see above) Bite 70% (35/14), damage 2D6+6 + burn (see above) QUACHIL UTTAUS (Great Old One) It was a bizarre humanoid figure of child-like stature, yet bloated and whose flesh was shriveled, warped, and something like a caricature of the most aged specimens of Ancient Egypts mummies. Credence should be given to these writings, as even the short periods of temporary wakefulness on Cthulhus part have given immediate rise to strange occurrences and effects die as necessary to skill rolls) if they fail a CON roll. Including my first GURPS character sheet from 1986. Sandy Petersen, Lynn Willis, and Mike Mason. The set is also scheduled to come in a two-volume special Leatherette Edition slipcase, currently priced at $199.99, and will be a Chaosium . The human Cthulhu Cult appears to be the most widespread and insidious cult devoted to the worship of the Old Ones. Each pseudopod may reach up to 300 yards/meters from the deitys central mass. As to the plan or scheme being nurtured by Creux-Azathoth, this remains a mystery but, presumably, at some point, these Azathoth-filled vessels will act in unison. Each of the entities in this chapter has a boxed section called Typical Physical Manifestation that details movement, build, forms of attack, damage delivered, and armor (including immunities and so on). The victim may attempt to escape with an Extreme STR or DEX roll. Targets may resist the control by succeeding with an Extreme POW roll, otherwise they fall completely under Saaitiis control for 2D10+4 hours. Those entering the poisonous cloud (100 yards/meters diameter) surrounding the entity without breathing apparatus must succeed with an Extreme CON roll or suffer a horrible and painful death within 1D4 rounds; even those who succeed still lose 2D10 points of CON. All told the Monstorum contains 480 pages and the . In time, the whispers drive most Cult Bugg-Shash has no known organized human cult, although its puppets are a sort of cult to some degree and they may recruit humans for certain tasks or ceremonies. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: MORDIGGIAN Cult The ghouls are considered to be primary followers of Mordiggian, and are considered to be the Old Ones chosen ones. It is possible that the loathsome dholes pay homage, but such matters are beyond human understanding. Humans should be wary of such brood, as some possess the capability to do harm, while others act like parasites, latching onto those passing by or somehow entering their bodies and nesting alongside internal organsthe effect of such parasitical life on human bodies is uncertain but likely to be at least unhelpful or downright life-threatening at worst. As noted, other cults to Cyegha exist, usually rurally based, although in modern times such groups have crept into the cellars, tunnels, and dark places found in the underbelly of towns and cities, working their rites and sacrifices in secret. Such individuals appear ripe for the attention and ministrations of Ygolonac, its psychic whispers filtering to their minds and turning them to this entitys worship. Those theorizing the link to the Dark Mother have claimed that these rituals brought forth Utulls-Hrher as ShubNigguraths avatar or herald. The hit points of victims are absorbed into the Green Mans STR, CON, and SIZ equally (rounding down); for example, a victim drained of 10 hit points would increase the Green Mans STR, CON, and SIZ by 3 points each (the tenth hit point is lost). It would appear that the scream normally registers above the usual range of human hearing (31 to 19 kHz), although it is capable of being heard by many animals, such as dogs, bats, and cats. Outside of humanity, certain underground horrors may worship it, alongside Abhoths own spawn. A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. The illumination reveals the ghastly depths between the stars and galaxies, the terrors that lurk within and without, and Aura Great secrecy surrounds this avatar, with those aware of its existence being determined (and demented) enough to kill to keep it a secret. Website Speed and Performance Optimization. Certainly, the only organized cult, known as the Servants of the Crawler, or sometimes just as the Crawlers, is based in this region and appears to have existed for around 1,000+ years. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: UBBO-SATHLA STR 300 CON 1,000 SIZ 1,000 DEX 80 Aura For those reaching Ubbo-Sathlas lair, this grotto may be something of a nightmare plain in which millions of strange and exotic lifeforms are birthed, age, and then die close to the entity. All tend to radiate a particular sense, be it a deep coldness, isolation, indifference, rage, wonder, and so on. Division and Change: Yidhras genetic makeup allows it to reform and shape itself in unlimited ways based on the earthly life it has consumed over time. Fighting Bite Dodge Armor 6-point tough skin. It reforms in 1D100 years. A sudden temperature drop is likely, as are localized earth tremors. Not just ranging the void, this immense entity commands enough power to destroy worlds, and most references agree that it was Ghroth who caused the death of the planets Yelithka, Mormol, and Shaggai, as well as being the thing that forced Baoht Zuqqa-Mogg to flee toward Earth. DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters Employing ear defenders or similar may halve such losses at the Keepers discretion, but the sounds can never be fully negated as they reverberate through living flesh, imposing the noise upon the listeners mind. Not added . For example, think about the armor value. Foresight of events to come: awards two bonus dice that can be used singly or together to affect any future roll. Powers Obscure Mist: those who enter the fog surrounding Cythulos (roughly an area of 1 mile (1.6 km) squared) find their vision is impaired, with one penalty die imposed on any sight-based skills (e.g. Malleus_Monstrorum_Volume_II_-_Deities_of_the_Mythos_v1.22.pdf (product code 23169, ISBN-13 978-1-56882-317-1, 266 pp., 25.87 MB) Malleus_Monstrorum_Minion_Master_Sheet_v2.pdf (481.86 KB) Malleus_Monstrorum_Monster_Master_Sheet_v2.pdf (473.38 KB) Despite having their own product codes and ISBNs, the two volumes are not sold separately. Brought to the pit of despair, such individuals are coerced into seeking their death by finding Cythulos within the mist and taking its single outstretched hand. One tome, Wild Forests (author unknown, published in limited numbers in 1883) posits Ithaqua is desirous of procreating an heir, an observation based upon folklore surrounding strange births in the sub-Arctic region, although modern scholars put little store in such tales, which are seen to originate through spiteful gossip akin to the accusation of witchery in the 17th century. In Lost Carcosa the King shall come to claim his throne, while simultaneously the King reigns there now. Perhaps, in some form, the King is both: once an avatar, it has grown beyond its progenitor and now possesses free will. Such matters are difficult to define or find consensus on, and those meeting with the King are likely to find no clear answers. Make the switch from normality to extraordinary as dramatic as possible. To the victim, who can resist this power with a successful Extreme POW roll, the illusions are real (even down to damage sustained and Sanity losses experienced). Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Despite the loss of the JonesMortimer Expedition, their surviving account notes a series of paintings within the ruins depicting a monstrous dragonbird god as well as numerous clay effigies of the same. In a manner not unlike the terrifying hounds of Tindalos, Iod sometimes manifests as a hunter, tracking and pursuing those who have somehow crossed its path (some scholars suggest that those unworthy to see the deity in the flesh are marked and later tracked down and killed). Possible Blessings Snake Hands: both of the worshippers hands are transformed into bundles of twisting, snake-like tendrils, each possessing a small mouth, which can strike out and bite opponents. According to their responses on the post, the book is in final layout with the PDF due out at the end of June. The slipcase is collector's-item quality. howling and squealing swine creatures. It is said to dwell outside of our reality in another dimension unlike our own, where tides of chaos wash over and twist the senses and where the air seethes and corrupts. Quite what the effect of such a place upon a human visitor would be is uncertain, but, from the minimal description we have, it is likely not a good one. Such stolen magic points replenish Liliths own supply. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. Get the rulebook here. In most cases, a Mythos god is above human intelligence, able to comprehend and perceive reality in ways beyond our understanding. Feaster, Possible Blessings None known. The details provided are a representative manifestation. What canon exists is loose and unreliable. Thus, Shudde Mell and its kin were encased below the fabled city of Gharne (Africa? With over 110 entries concerning Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings, this tome supplies a plethora of ideas to immerse your campaigns and scenarios deep in the heart of Cthulhu Mythos lore. Rumors circulate that this entity was spawned through an obscene rite between a human and an avatar of Shub-Niggurath, although some scholars have suggested this creature is simply an aberrant byproduct of the Goat with a Thousand Young, possibly a mutated version of a dark young. Chaosium Arcane Symbol (the Star Elder Sign) copyright 1983 Chaosium Inc. All rights reserved. Land Walk: if warranted, the avatar may leap from the water onto land and walk on its many tentacular growths that sprout from its body. Many presume the Elder Ones had a role in casting Ghizguth to Earth, like so many of the Old Ones seemingly imprisoned here. instead. It reforms upon its throne in Carcosa in 1D100 days. Fighting 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 to 3D6 Armor Varies; from none to a 6-point hard shell. Sometimes, a single child of Yig is sent, more as a warning, which, if ignored, is followed by a mass of snakes. Far See: costing 1 magic point, Ghizguth may summon a vision of an event taking place in real-time within 1,000 miles (1609 km). Due to the atrocities committed by this group and their refusal to worship Mordiggian, they are shunned by other ghouls. CHAPTER 2 m a l 52 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS 53 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult on a global scale. Black Lion copyright 2020 the Estate of Stanley Sargent. Those infiltrating mi-go outposts hidden within mountains and the like, may come upon alien temples to Shub-Niggurath, strange religious artifacts, and event gateways to bring them directly into the presence of this Outer God. Of note is the naming of the deity in the libretto of the banned opera Massa di Requiem per Shuggay, which features a single aria calling out this wondrous god. The tome goes on to say that great care must be employed with such dire undertakings lest the summoner become the focus of the creatures attention. In addition, the following authors contributed to the original work: David Conyers, Keith Herber, Kevin . As to how Atlach-Nacha may appear to other races or in other dimensions is uncertain. bullets) deal minimum damage. If a human, the shock of new life inflicts the instant loss of 2D10 Sanity points. The fabled Lake of Hali, in which the deity is said to dwell, is its prison and at times appears to wash up on the coast of the city of Carcosa in which the King in Yellow is said to rule or will rule. The Zanthu Tablets do, however, suggest that a spell exists for summoning Ythogtha, although the text makes no mention of its name or location. Aura In being and influence, Eihort imposes confusion and doubt like a cancerous miasma, causing people to doubt their senses and second guess themselves. They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Such debate appears stagnant and, until further evidence becomes known, remains conjecture. Allegedly, it was summoned to the Eastern seaboard of North America in the early 1920s, possibly in a small and out of the way port named Kingsport. 196 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Other names: none known. Artifacts: bestowed rare and powerful items, such as a seeing-glass through which other dimensions or periods of time may be viewed. A person surviving the encounter with half or more of their POW remaining regenerates their lost POW at 1D10 points per week; if surviving with less than half POW, a person regains 1D6 points per week up to a maximum of 50 percent of their current POW value (i.e. Consume (mnvr): leaps upon the target and begins to absorb them over the course of 1D4 rounds. Vorvadoss, the one of flames Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 to 1/1D6 Sanity points to encounter Vorvadoss in semi-human form; 1D6/3D10 Sanity points to encounter the Elder God in natural form. For those in the immediate area, the descending darkness feels sticky and tangible, as though it were wrapping to skin and flesh; this uncomfortable experience causes most to sweat profusely (some may choke, although this is just a momentary reflux). May take on a form that somewhat resembles the viewer, incorporating aspects but massively twisting and distorting them for horrific effect (thus, if seen by a human, the Old One may appear with an ugly skull-like face, or become a massive boneless humanoid writhing about on the ground). Trove of Treasure Maps: K&C1204 : By the Sword: Dueling in Realms of Fantasy: K&C1100 : The Root of All Evil: K&C1101 : Forging Darkness: K&C1102 : Coin's End: K&C1103 :. Think of this as the human mind trying to make sense of an alien thoughtform. See here for more examples. No idols have, as yet, come to light, and rumors circulate (within certain quarters) of those who seek to delve into the lore concerning this entity all coming to a sticky end or simply disappearing without a trace. 104 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters This avatar is considered to only appear on Earth, given its human-seeming form, although it is theoretically possible that it assumes other forms when treating with alien races elsewhere. At first, euphoria swells within, as the subjects mind fills with knowledge, but terror may follow as this knowledge mounts and mounts, becoming too much for the human mind to bear. On Earth, the Kruschtya Equation is something of myth among mathematicians. It seems likely (Great Old One) A gross heap of yellow-brown flesh, somewhat humanoid in shape, from which sprouts four thick and long tentacle-like limbs where hands and feet should be. Those dumbfounded are unable to move, think, or take any action. Little is said of the outcome should such pieces of the Great Old One be allowed to congregate and form a new totality, but one can assume a most dire result. It is undying and has no need to reform. If reduced to zero hit points, the body possessed by Ygolonac crumples to the ground while the Old Ones mind returns to it lair. After each attack, the Green Man grows, with leaves and blossoms opening, vines and branches thickening (like a plant rapidly responding to fertilizer). With this, the Keeper retreats and disappears, presumably to its subterranean lair. Fighting Swallow (mnvr) Crush (mnvr) 90% (45/18), damage 3D6 90% (45/18), swallowed (see above) 90% (45/18), damage 7D6 Armor None. It may be possible to break such psychic assaults with a successful Psychoanalysis roll. SPLINTER OF DAOLOTH A human body possessed by a shard of Daoloth that seeks to impart cosmic knowledge to others.

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