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famous radio personalities 1940s

Radio, In September of 1895, Guglielmo Marconi, a young Italian inventor, pioneered wireless telegraphy when he transmitted a message to his brother, who wa Grote Reber, Grote Reber Grote Reber Grote Reber (born 1911) was a radio engineer who became interested in radio astronomy as a hobby. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Sean Hannity. In addition the rise of communism and fascism (dictatorships) in Europe was increasingly causing alarm in the United States. Actor John Houseman said of Welles and "The War of the Worlds:" "The reason that show worked as well as it did was nerve the slowness of the show in the beginning." (Sock. Historic Events for Students: The Great Depression. As CBS News Vice President and Director of Public Affairs, Murrow remained uncomfortable as an executive and returned to reporting in 1951. Bluegrass singer-songwriter Bill Monroe performs with Jimmy Martin on guitar, Buddy Killen on bass and Don Slayman on fiddle on stage at the Grand Ole Opry in . Nevertheless, the end of World War II in 1945 roughly coincided with the arrival of commercial television, and this new mediumwhich added the visual element to radios tried-and-true formula of sound and immediacysoon drew creative talent, listener loyalty, and advertising revenue away from radio. Some radio performers had teams of writers preparing jokes for them. The A&P Gypsies, an orchestra conducted by Harry Horlick, was sponsored by A&P grocery stores. Amos: He tol' you to milk de cowhe didn't tell me to do it. View More. Another example of the growth of radio news was the presence of tabloid reporting, which emphasized sensationalized topics. Born Nathan Birnbaum, comedian George Burns and his wife and comedic partner Gracie Allen, starred in the Burns and Allen Show on radio beginning in 1933. I am reminded of that evening in March, four years ago, when I made my first radio report to you. "Too Many Problems," an episode of the situation comedy series Father Knows Best, starring Robert Young; airdate November 2, 1950. Disc jockey ERICMARCUM ERIC MARCUM. . Children would mail in a label and a modest amount of money for the ring. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. He hosts The Adam Carolla Show, a talk show distributed as a podcast .more. Nevertheless, by the end of the 1920s, radio was firmly established as an advertising medium, which in turn led to air times being sold in set blocks, determined by the length of the program. It was almost too late . Since the 1940s, Black disc jockeysor deejayshave been an inseparable part of Black radio. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Golden-Age-of-American-radio, Long Wharf Theatre - The Golden Age of Radio, Public Broadcasting Service - Radio In The 1930s, Digital Public Library of America - Golden Age of Radio in the US, Audio Engineering Society - Golden Age of Radio. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. NEIL: But you said it what quarter to twelve the last time I asked. Between 1941 and 1945, Americans tuned in to listen to breaking news from Europe, hearing about major battles and the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii just moments after the actual events. Watkins, T.H. You is de one dat's got take de milk in to him. The immediacy of information had the added impact of making the entire world feel like one's neighborhood. I know whut I'se doin'. As the country came increasingly close to war, his diocese, in Detroit, chose to review his statements prior to broadcast. Stunt broadcasts were a regular part of programming. Hardships of the Great Depression increased hatred toward racial minorities by society in general. Group photograph of Eddie Anderson, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Mary Livingstone, Jack Benny, Don Wilson, and Mel Blanc. The development of networks and production centres. Its premiere was lauded as exceptional, bold radio. Radio of the 1930s provided a blueprint for the understanding and expectations of media for the rest of the century. Many advertisers formed long-term bonds with these shows, especially as they tried to reach the young audience. Attendance at the movie theaters remained strong through the first few years of the Depression, but that also would eventually decline substantially. Popular soap operas received thousands of letters from women asking for help with real-life problems. 1. Radio was an inexpensive way to keep up with news events of the Great Depression and farming news, and provided a ready means for escape from the economic hard times through sports broadcasts and entertainment programs. As Germany's aggression in Europe became increasingly evident, Coughlin lost some of his popularity, however, for much of the Depression he was a significant voice in American radio. The era of television influence came forward in the 1960 presidential campaign between future presidents John F. Kennedy (served 19611963) and Richard Nixon (served 19691974). Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Searching for operating funds, stations sought government support, gifts from the wealthy, voluntary contributions, or an annual fee assessed on listeners (the latter an approach already adopted in some countries). Andy: Now, lissen yere, Amosdon't never try to tell me whut to do or whut not to do. As at the start of the twenty-first century advertising paid for most radio programming. Almost one-fourth of the nation normally listened to his fireside chats. Encyclopedia.com. Artists interviewed include Little Esther Phillips, Al Frazier, Mary Wells, Zola Taylor, the Coasters, Horace Silver . By the end of the Depression events in Europe as a whole were deteriorating. The Department of Commerce, however, lacked the discretion to reject license applications or to enforce frequency assignments. Individuals all over America laughed together at Jack Benny and worried together over alien invasion orchestrated in a studio by Orson Welles. Another firm that measured audience response was the A.C. Nielsen Co., which provided thousands of listeners with a mechanical device called an audiometer. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. About $75 could buy a Marconi console, a common reference to a popular type of radio in a wooden cabinet and named after the inventor of radio, Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, who remained active until his death in 1937. Kaltenborn, and William Shirer broadcast reports of the bombing of London and the German occupation of continental Europe, the view of many Americans began to change. On November 15, 1926, NBC made its debut over 19 stations extending from the East Coast to Kansas City, Missouri. eds. Andy: On second thought, yere, we better not tell him nothin' 'bout losin' part o' de milk 'cause I don' want him jumpin' all over me. Although he was wary of television, he made the transition with See It Now the first television newsmagazine. New York: Crown Publishing Croup, 2000. For example candidates for public office must be treated equally and sponsors must be identified. His career started in vaudeville, and he debuted in 1931 on radio on the Ed Sullivan show, getting his own radio show in 1932. She also appeared in prime-time programs including the "Lux Radio Theater.". We then began a program of remedying those abuses and inequalitiesto give balance and stability to our economic systemto make it bomb-proof against the causes of 1929. Broadcasting had become a profession in the 1930s and was experiencing the growing pains of becoming an established and accepted part of society. As early as 1916, Sarnoff envisioned a radio that would be as standard in homes as a piano or a phonograph. After Hurt died of a heart attack in 1946, he was replaced by another white actor, Bob Corley, and the series was retitled The Beulah Show. Kaltenborn, Edward R. Murrow, William L. Shirer, and Eric Severeid. October 1999. March 3, 2023 6:21 PM PT. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Radio was a primary vehicle for the exchange of information and news during the Depression. Nachmann, Gerald. (b. Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom, 27 September 1918; d. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 14 October 1984), ra, radio- comb. National stories including those of the Depression and progress of New Deal programs let people see the problems and success stories The series was based on the novel Mr. and Mrs. Cugat (1940), written by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the Paramount Pictures feature film Are Husbands Necessary? The Adventures of Amos 'n Andy: A Social History of an American Phenomenon. Garner, Joe. Music was performed live during the early days of radio, so studios were built large enough to accommodate full orchestras. the insurgency was under control, but was soon countered by broadcasts calling for a general strike. It was on the roof of the original Riechman-Crosby Building at Beale and Front Street. 122123). In 1922 he introduced the Radiola, for $75, and made radio a household appliance. It wasn't until 1920 that radio stations were regularly making commercial broadcasts, beginning with KDKA of Pittsburgh and WWJ of Detroit. By the mid-1930s two-thirds of American homes had radio sets, and by 1939 about 80 percent of Americansabout 25 million peopleowned radios. Add links. She also played an uncredited bit part as a sales assistant in The Women* pictured here w/ Joan C*, filmed after Gone with the Wind but released before it. Millions of others saw their paychecks reduced or lived in constant fear that they, too, would finally be hit with economic hardship. Productions were often broadcast during "prime time" evening hours so families could enjoy the shows together. Her distinctive, high-pitched voice also took people by surprise. Sound effects are an important part of communicating drama and comedy over the radio. Photo of Santos Ortega as Inspector Queen (father of Ellery), Hugh Marlowe as Ellery Queen and Marian Shockley as Ellery's asistant, Nikki, from the radio program The Adventures of Ellery Queen. In the November 1936 election President Roosevelt used the radio much more effectively than opponent Alf Landon, which partially contributed to Roosevelt's victory. Kendrick, Alexander. His critics charged that he was able to use his unique position and access to mass media to support his views. They warned that children should be running and playing outside, not sitting inside being entertained by a box. "On the Planet Mongo," an episode of the children's science-fiction series Flash Gordon; airdate April 27, 1935. "Apache Peak," an episode of the western series Tales of the Texas Rangers, starring Joel McCrea; airdate July 22, 1950. He remained associated with Benny's radio and television programs until Benny's death in 1974. "The Chevrolet Chronicles" were one of many "transcription shows"shows produced for the distribution simply of scripts to stations around the country to be performed locallyand an example of how radio programming was inseparable from its advertisers. But that began what we called "personality radio." . Approaches to news, commentary, and political persuasion were established during the early days of radio and were adapted to later media. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/news-and-education-magazines/radio-1929-1941. This act provided basic assumptions that have continued to underpin broadcasting policy in the United States to this day. The growing war in Europe produced some of the most creative and thoughtful programming on radio. Certainly one factor was the loss of jobs and search for new employment opportunities that led to a great deal of population shifts and movement. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. Encyclopedia.com. The growth in radio provided a large audience for various voices in cultural and political criticism. As the world moved closer to world war, Kaltenborn reported on the invasion of Austria and Czechoslovakia. In the mid-to late-1920s, networks were formed as companies bought stations all over the country, forming a "network" of radio stations. Some of the leading voices from radio's golden age, in the 1930s and '40s, may have gone on to even greater fame elsewhere, such as Bob Hope and Gene Autry. The most popular early network series by far was NBCs Amos n Andy, a daily 15-minute situation comedy in which two white men (Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll) acted the parts of two black operators of a taxicab company in Chicago. Andy: Well, it's yore own faultdat's all I got say. Hilmes, Michele and Jason Loviglio. 22 Feb. 2023 . Richar Diamond starring Dick Powell.First came Rogue's Gallery *where I know him from originally*in 1945-46. Richard Diamond began in 1949, and took off as one of the most popular private eye shows on network radio, right up there with Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar and Phillip Marlowe, Private Eye. This reflected the migration of black Americans from Southern rural areas to Northern industrial centers. . Sports played a major role in the escapism from the Great Depression. Walter Winchell specialized in publishing gossip and other information that some critics deemed inappropriate. At the beginning of the explosion of radio in the 1930s, radio advertising increased while newspaper advertising decreased, though newspapers eventually bounced back. Shirer reported on the dramatic surrender of France to Germany at Compaigne. With the consolidation of radios into networks, the configuration of the radio industry began to look like the major television networks of the late twentieth century. The networks merely provided the airtime and studio facilities. The orchestra of Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians were made famous by radio, as was jazz musician Count Basie. The Saint .The longest-running radio incarnation was with Vincent Price, who played the character in a series between 1947 and 1951 on three networks: CBS, Mutual and NBC. Ely, Melvin Patrick. View More. In 1938 Welless radio adaptation of H.G. In 1934 WXYZ joined with the powerful 50,000-watt stations WLW in Cincinnati, WOR in New York, and WGN in Chicago to form the Quality Group, an association that was soon rechristened the Mutual Broadcasting System. Edward R. Murrow (19081965). typical "household hints" programming that was de rigueur at the time for female radio personalities These developments proved timely as the radio provided much entertainment and a source of information for the Depression public. Women followed the various sagas as if the characters were their neighbors. The radio series was broadcast on CBS Radio from A, Dennis Day (born Owen Patrick Eugene McNulty )appeared for the first time on Jack Benny's radio show on October 8, 1939, taking the place of another famed tenor, Kenny Baker. "The First Radio War: Broadcasting in the Spanish Civil War, 19361939." New York: Oxford University Press, 1966. The addition of two more frequencies, 619 kHz in December 1921 and 750 kHz in August 1922, helped somewhat, but most larger cities had far more than three stations and thus continued to use shared-time arrangements. At first his program was primarily inspirational and welcomed by the Depression-weary public but became increasingly political. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (served 19331945) immediately seized on the popularity of radio with his series of Fireside Chats that he conducted beginning in the second week of his presidency. In the late 1930s the Federal Communications Commission (created by the Communications Act of 1934) investigated the potential for a monopoly on broadcasting, and in 1941 it recommended that no single company own more than one network. In 1936, however, radio transmitters reached most of the population of Spain. The hot drink Ovaltine and "Little Orphan Annie" were partners for many years. June 25, 2020. In this way radio was an excellent form of escapism during the particularly tough period when the public was greatly affected by the Great Depression. Powerful gossip columnist Louella Parsonswhose show, Hollywood Hotel, debuted on CBS in October 1934surmounted this fee by inducing top film stars to appear on her program for free. (Tone: Phone drops to floor). Everyone in America knew Jack Benny and his foibles. The military tried to convince the people of Spain that Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 1998. For example he was tight with money, which many in the Depression could relate to. Dissolve next speech from filter to clear) When you hear the signal the time will be eleven fifty-nine and one half. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Rush Limbaugh. Top 10 1940s Radio Programs 1940-41: The Jell-O Program. The performance of "The War of the Worlds" became one of the most notorious radio performances ever. Kaltenborn was close enough to the conflict that listeners could hear gunfire in the background. on E. 105th between Cedar and Carnegie avenues in the late 1940s and early 1950s, before landing . Former wireless operator Sarnoff rose to president of the Radio Corporation of America. Children and adults followed the adventures of their favorite characters and waited for the next installment. By Amie Tennant. Bolino, August C. From Depression to War: American Society in Transition1939. KELLYSUTTON KELLY SUTTON. Early ads promoted an institutional image in a style later common to public radios underwriting announcements. (February 22, 2023). These famous radio personalities were the stars of their time, and their shows were appointment listening for millions of Americans. They were a good investmentafter the initial expense, the family was able to enjoy drama, comedy, quiz shows, the news, and more for free in the comfort of their homes. Some radio programming was used for propaganda purposes, while other programs were aimed at keeping up the morale of the public. Necrology of Old Radio Personalities; OTR Actors and Their Roles This page was last edited on 21 January 2023, at 02:02 (UTC). I got a idea. In 1945, Beulah was spun off into her own radio show, The Marlin Hurt and Beulah Show, with Hurt still in the role. Radio in the 1930s often contrived events to encourage people to listen. Originally sponsored by Alka-Seltzer, the series was first broadcast on NBC from Chicago, June 28, 1940, airing as a summer replacement show for Alec Templeton Time. By the time the infant son of national hero Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped and murdered, the role of communication in radio had become so important that the 1935 verdict in the Lindbergh kidnapping trial was broadcast over radio. One of the most popular radio personalities of the 1950s was Vintage airchecks from the 1950s to the 1990s is a directory of other sites. In black-appeal radio, the disc jockey role was pioneered both locally and nationally by Jack L. Cooper, who began playing . The original radio show, co-starring Lucille Ball, was the initial basis for what evolved into the groundbreaking TV sitcom I Love Lucy. He was introduced (with actress Verna Felton playing his mother) as a young (nineteen year old), naive boy singer a character he kept through his whole career. Text is available under the Creative Commons . Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. "Watch on the Rhine," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Paul Lukas; airdate August 7, 1946. Many of the premier entertainers of the twentieth century got their start first on stage and later in radio. Andy: Hol' dat bucket o' milk dere while I pour some water in it. Politicians and critics used the media to comment as well as to convince. In radios earliest days, Hollywood did not provide network programming, with rare exceptions. Amos: I wuz sittin' yere dreamin' 'bout Chicago an' 'stead o' puttin' de milk in de bucket, I put half of it on de ground. In 1936 the Republican Party's radio dramatization, "Liberty at the Crossroads," played an important role in the campaign. Radio and film star George Burns claimed that radio was an easier medium than others since the performers could read their lines rather than having to memorize them. From 1922 to 1925, Herbert Hoover, then secretary of commerce and in charge of radio policy, convened four national conferences, each of which petitioned Congress to replace the only existing (and obsolete) laws regarding broadcasting, which had been established in 1912 to regulate ship-to-shore transmissions. In fact lower income families were most likely to listen to it on a daily basis. "Lost Horizon," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Ronald Colman; airdate November 27, 1946. It's since gone on to experiment with other formats, added sports in the 1940s and adopted a personality driven, live-host music format in the '60s and '70s. (Tone. Radio emerged as an important method of disseminating news during the 1930s. There was so much competition for listeners that children's shows offered premiums such as decoder rings and badges to lure their young audience. New stars were also created, as performers discovered the medium and created unique shows. While much of his message regarded a type of economic populism, which emphasized the common person, he regularly attacked prominent Jewish people. form 1. denoting radio waves or broadcasting: radio-controlled radiogram. Radio companies fought with ASCAP over blanket recording agreementsbasically they wanted to be able to play a recording whenever they wanted for a set price. Kaltenborn (18781965). As radio developed, daytime shows such as soap operas and childrens programs generally ran 15 minutes. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Goebbels and other German leaders knew it was the most effective way available to reach the greatest number of people with propaganda and other information. HYLAND: My God, we've got it! Isolationism seemed less tenable. Sponsored by Eversharp, the first series ran on CBS Radio from July 5, 1945 to March 28, 1947. Other news events also came into the homes of many Americans. Clifton Fadiman was an editor, author and well-known radio and television personality. Use of the radio for political purposes by presidents continued into the twenty-first century as President George W. Bush conducted weekly Saturday radio addresses, both in English and Spanish. Mail-in premium offers were very successful on youth shows, and one of the most successful was the decoder ring offered by "Little Orphan Annie." Individual or local or state effort alone cannot protect us in 1937 any better than ten years ago. Amos: I don' wants to git mixed up in dis. Americans expected to learn about events quickly, and as television gained momentum later in the century, this expectation was carried into television broadcasting: viewers expected to see events virtually as they happened. The chat demonstrates Roosevelt's friendly style that many found comforting. A refinement of this was created by another company, C.E. Orson Welles Actor | Citizen Kane His father, Richard Head Welles, was a well-to-do inventor, his mother, Beatrice (Ives) Welles, a beautiful concert pianist . Johnny Otis Collection (SC 106) Over 800 radio programs of black popular music (live and prerecorded), hosted by Johnny Otis, and featuring live interviews with blues and rhythm & blues artists from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Called the "Radio Priest," Father Coughlin began broadcasting weekly sermons in 1926. Such creativity by non-whites and non-Protestants did not mesh well with the racist doctrines of the Nazis who preached the dominance of white society. The decade started off in 1921 with just 5 radio stations in the country but ended with 606 stations. He bought CBS in 1929, building it from a failing network of 22 radio stations into a broadcast empire. In addition newspapers owned many early radio stations including WGN (named after the "World's Greatest Newspaper," the Chicago Tribune). 2. 2. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. New York: Routledge, 2001. American Decades: 19301939. Jack Benny was one of the foremost radio stars of The Golden Age of Radio. As radio became more sophisticated, new areas of skill and talent emerged, such as sound effects. "The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour" became the first radio variety show. This inexpensive form of enjoyment for the whole family included radio shows, music, and more. More people owned radios, were listening to radio in increasing numbers, and were listening to radios for an increasing amount of time each day. We ought to tell him. Hattie McDaniel took over in Nov of 1947. The military government tried to capture the main radio stations with little success. Warren, Donald. Famous Radio Personalities. Best, Gary Dean. Previously, Simmons was a radio and television personality for Indianapolis' WHHH-FM. Radio writers often wrote their sound requirements into the script, as did Irving Reis in his radio play "Meridian 7-1212." Outside of the United States, the world was in a state of flux. Fireside Politics: Radio and Political Culture in the United States, 1920-1940, by Douglas B. Craig "Remembering the LadiesA Salute to the Women of Early Radio," by Donna L. Halper, "Popular Communications," January 1999. I ain't goin' do it. Besides singing, Denni. Tens of millions of people listened to his weekly radio broadcasts. Eventually, the Radio Guild protested the actors appearing on "Hollywood Hotel" without pay and in 1938 the show was cancelled. An outstanding comedic duo, the show was a huge success providing many laughs to the American audiences during the Great Depression and later made the transition to television. Americans were spending so much time listening to radio that some child development specialists worried that children would be harmed from the activity. Murrow provided regular reports on the bombing of London in his "London After Dark" series broadcast by shortwave radio. Coughlin was extraordinarily popular, with millions of listeners each Sunday. In the earliest years of network radios heyday, most of the evening programs were produced and broadcast from New York City. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Father Charles Edward Coughlin (18911979). Though they married in 1926, Burns and Allen did not tell their radio audience for many years. Some comedians liked to tell what at the time were considered risqu jokes, meaning the jokes were on the edge of being considered indecent. largely derived by black American musicians and frequently played by Jewish musicians. Fred W. Kaltenbach. Two types of music were banned when Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933: swing and jazz. Variety shows lampooned racial preconceptions, theater on the air challenged ideas of war and peace, and comedies provided a humorous critique of Middle American values. It will take timeand plenty of timeto work out our remedies administratively even after legislation is passed. She also played Butterfly, Rochester's niece and Mary Livingstone's maid in the Jack Benn. List of old-time American radio people. Programs during the Golden Age of Radio frequently took the name of their sponsors. In reaction some countries occupied by German forces in the late 1930s surreptitiously broadcast opposing viewpoints. David Sarnoff (18911971). The Depression listening public followed the exploits of "Babe" Ruth, Lou Gehrig ("The Iron Horse"), the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame football players, female track star Mildred "Babe" Didrikson Zaharias, the boxer Joe Louis ("The Brown Bomber"), and others. From Needletime to the Peel Sessions

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famous radio personalities 1940s