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dmitry orlov interview

The place had a good number of Australians who are in their 20s 40s who have no work and are not looking for any. In particular, all the benefits currently enjoyed by retirees, such as reduced public transit fees and reduced property taxes, will be extended to those nearing retirement age. Well see how this works out. The interview was cut short because the VOIP connection failed. The rest of the orc lands east of the Dnepr? One good read is Peter Phillips recent book and here is a recent interview: I think the reason they had never acted like in Ukraine before was that they feared Russias reaction. The hubris, the constant expansion since its creation manifest destiny ect ect makes the US exceptionally dangerous even in its decline. The Russian leaders who went through WW2 had a vision and experience which you cant buy and this saved the world many times over. 81, rode on the right side of a No. On. Peace. We can imagine that this swirling tide of humanity, ejected from Western Europe, will head east, slosh against the Great Wall of Russia, and flood back into the west, but now armed with Ukrainian weapons and knowhow and entertaining thoughts of plunder rather than employment. Mr. Orlov is quite correct. This is why, after the government overthrow of 2014, when it became clear that the intentions of the Ukrainian nationalists who seized power in Kiev were to oppress the Russian part of the population, these two regions decided to strike out on their own. On Pg 106 and Pg 244 of his memoirs (Khrushchev Remembers), Khrushchev states clearly that he is Russian, not Ukrainian. The hubris of the exceptional nation never before having their mainland attacked will make them think they can prevail under any circumstance. But the domestic system is brilliantly designed, not going anywhere. Gownopolska ber alles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUGh1Su7-ok. Stay well and happy Dmitry, I love your thoughts. Russia has been resisting calls to grant official recognition to these two Peoples Republics or to provide overt military support (weapons and volunteers do filter through from the Russian side without any hindrance, although the flow of volunteers has been slowing down of late). I need help Popular searches 5G technology, glyphosate, genetic engineering, radioactive contamination, global chemtrail spraying, and pervasive electromagnetic fields are designed to take down humanity and the global biosphere. Feb 27, 2023 at 11:48 pm ET 1 min read. But if I were a younger healthy man, Wellafter reading the entire piece, I must admit Im not impressed, The main global dynamic right now is the Chinese industrial and economic juggernauta geopolitically resurgent Russiaand the unraveling of the dollar dominated global financial order, The problem with the west is not so much cultural as it is economicthe west is a giant Ponzi scheme that must ultimately collapseas all financialized economies have collapsed since the beginning of moneyas any careful reader of Michael Hudson can tell you, One morning we will wake up and the machine will be out of gassimple as thatno moneyno funny, Thats why the rest of the world is moving toward a trading system that circumvents the dollar, or any kind of so-called reserve currencythe US itself is shoving this process forward by weaponizing trade and finance by means of sanctions gone wild, There does not need to be any kind of universal trading currency in the digital ageit is simply a matter of putting the settlement mechanisms in placeand more important, bypassing the HUMAN exchange networks now in placeie the old boys club through which dollar denominated global trade now flows, Once these processes mature, there will be no way of perpetuating the western financial Ponzi schemeit has crashed beforemost recently a decade agobut has been kept on life support by negative interest rates, plus further impoverishment of the marginal classbut once the reserve currency is gone, and with it the ability to print free moneythe machine is dead for good, At that point the west needs to earn its living the honest waythat may be a tough transition. And once you know what to do, you actually do it. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. What binds them together is their commonality of historical experience as part of the Russian Empire, then the USSR, but this historical legacy is being actively erased. I am more inclined to believe those who are censored and suppressed; those with more to lose; those with skin in the game. This is a prime example of why this is one of the best independent sites on the web. > Quotes. Katherine. Maybe even horribly. Orlov was born in Novokuznetsk, Russia and moved to the United States at the age of 12. All the other Soviet republics had their own communist party organizations that developed cadres to send to Moscow, while Russia itself lacked such an organization. , , , , . soldiers Petrov and Boshirov went to work at the arsenal, learning to the female pelvis is the altar to which we spontaneously direct our This to remark that the big decisions must not rely entirely on the rational part, because it is too prone to make mistakes. The US has vacuumed up talent from all over the world, bolstering its economic capacity and the rents extracted by oligo. That's what they think. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. As a consequence, he had many preferences and regional traits that gave him Ukrainian look. Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. or perhaps I should say, I am concerned, mostly for Russia. As one told me just last week, come the downfall and collapse in Foggy Bottom, the very next day the petty criminals and drug dealers in their town will be gone, a combined effort of the local citizens and cops. Therefore my advice is .. dont bully the European People.. it could proove counter productive of what i perceive is both Your goals as well as those of ..I believe ..a majority of the common European people , Dear Ole, [2] [3] He has been survived by his wife and two children, both worked at the Vozrozhdenie Bank. Russia has finally lost her soul with the end of USSR. Stalin then added eastern lands, which were at various times Polish, Austro-Hungarian or Romanian. Russia is ready to respond to any provocation, but the last thing the Russians want is another war. Unlike Russia where there was a great deal of residual folk knowledge, most Americans are dumber than rocks and without a rocks resilience. For instance, it is possible to provide OSCE observers with UN armed guards, as we suggest in response to the apprehensions of Ukrainians about their safety. expressions. Lack of textbooks in Ukrainian and lack of teachers qualified to teach in Ukrainian caused the quality of public education to plummet, giving rise to several generations of Ukrainians who dont really know Ukrainian, have had little formal instruction in Russian, and speak a sort of informal half-language. And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. Most recently the intent to join the EU and NATO was written directly into the Ukrainian constitution. There are many alternatives, but none of them resemble any sort of exercise in democracy. Here is the key point: the USSR was not a normal empire at all. I spent some months in a local boarding house where it costs around A$200/week to rent a room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. related to the pelvis and its varied functions) is a most intimate So far at least they havent purged his wifes page,and she is still shown as Ukrainian. Their universities and institutes are now fully accredited within the Russian system of higher education, their currency is the ruble, and although in terms of international recognition they remain part of the Ukraine, it is very important to note that the Ukraine does not treat them as such. However, this is not to be. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all.. The u.s. regulators did what u.s. regulators have been instructed to do since the raygun regime dont interfere with corporate profiteering. reasonably well conveyed by the English exclamation Holy shit, we the same? We had the pleasure to interview author, blogger, social critic and philosopher Dmitry Orlov and get his views on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and its implications for the United States.. Orlov and the Saker suggest that the economic costs are at least for now too high for Moscow to consider welcoming these areas back into the fold. The Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau launched a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea against Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Paruby, Secretary of the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense Alexander Turchinov, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and others, the Ukrainian law union Aver Lex told TASS on Wednesday. Dmitry Orlov showcases his value to Bruins in defensive baptism by fire against Oilers Orlov spent most of his reps on Monday night matching up against Connor McDavid. Cohen may be somewhat pro-Russian though actually he is just not being anti-Russian,instead of his being pro-Russian. Dmitry Orlov: I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasnt been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case. Probably Mr. Putin is the transition element between the old Russia and the new Russia. lagopus. 3 defense pairing with Derek Forbort, bumping hard-hitting Connor Clifton out of the job for the night. Maybe that new generation of governors will make the change but I doubt. Things will go downhill from there as everyone in government in media does their best to pretend that the problem doesnt exist. Listen to audio about Doan Winkel. Mulga: you have such a way with words. Russian and Ukrainian economies were conceived of as a unit, based on the same set of plans, standards and regulations. Those who are breathing air and not water can rightfully enjoy the company of these others, even though many of those others might lately be breathing an air-water mixture and perhaps even oneself. - Explanation by Fr. We can see that the empire is weakening and that some countries are starting to balk at being vassals, but nothing definitive has happened yet. The other campaign is in the South China Sea. We also dont want the Europe of Conchita Wurst infecting the Russian nation. Starting in 2005, Dmitry has published . The demonizing of Black Lives Matter ( an emotional rather than political slogan) on some of the anti NWO sites just opens the pro Trump, Anglo American people to this manipulation. But that sort of smooth transition may be hard for the EU and the Americans to orchestrate. The curse of gerontocracy, which doomed the Soviet experiment, and which now afflicts the establishment in the US, no longer threatens Russia. This would invalidate the entire election and leave Poroshenko in charge until the next one. If the best an Imperial Defender can come up with is a spray of octopus ink saying gee, that author could really do with peer review, thats a pretty weak argument at this stage of the Imperial game (late). My apologies, for I used wrong translation: Wrona belongs to crow family. An Incident On Simonka https://saker.community/product/an-incident-on-simonka-a-novel-by-r-h-auslander-pdf-ed/ March 2014. The only how-to books in this world are cookbooks; the rest are read mainly for entertainmentfirst alone and, later, at cocktail parties. Catherine had an outstanding intellect. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. Because Russia did not react like the rational people believes.Leaving the insane ones a victory to point to. Hard words, guys, for a very hard situation! He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. The Hermitage collection started out as her personal collection. It may be a short term victory if we are lucky. It's a tricky business: you They are simply copying the liberalist West in everything. The Toltec sages used to say: To really know something means that it must also entail the knowledge of what course of action to take. But since you want to Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). I sell a homeless street magazine to survive, as its my only income, being a New Zealand citizen living in Australia. So be it. About the only ones with any passion among them are the Nazis who march around with torches and sport Nazi insignia. The Saker: What about the EU and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe? arctic fox or, if you want to be coy and use a euphemism, you can 23, 1991. True, and not contested. Meanwhile, a thorough cleaning out of the ranks has taken place, with some high-ranking officials doing jail time for corruption. Fighting bad ideas since 2005. Likewise, the natural gas pipeline that currently supplies Russian gas to both the Ukraine and much of the EU is worn out and ready to be decommissioned, while new pipelines being laid across the Baltic and the Black Sea are about to replace it. By Karen Rybold-Chin, Dmitry Orlov, Greg David, Ontheearthproductions. cross is for your own good self: on it you will be crucified during And now we are off to the races! I remember discussing service in the military with my Norwegian friend, and I am going to quote him here young soldiers have very limited time to live. Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov - Hermes Oil Trading A professional player 30 March 2015 Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov Gazprom magazine Dmitry Viktorovich, why did you set up a separate subsidiary for the bitumen business? | About | Contact | Investors | Crowdfunding | RSS, Why this site is the very opposite of hateful - a Christian letter to my hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Dear America - You Are Delusional, and Failing at Everything You Undertake. Thus I encourage readers (listeners) to note his argument down on paper and consider the incipient implications that attend his reason. The Damascus explosion blew off the 780 ton silo door and launched the second stage plus its 9 megaton warhead 1000 feet in the air. This is how capitalism works, is supposed to work. I disagree. The US is not, as Mr Orliv would have us believe in his cute, facile ultra-nationalist view, a mere dumping ground for immigrants from shithole countries that has been laid to waste and ready to sink. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. The mental climate in the US is already sick enough; why should we want to make it even sicker? BTW, to all those who say that at 55, 58, 59 what have you they are too old to emigrate: world, and this makes references to them particularly potent in this Thus we have a mostly Russian-speaking, historically mostly Russian territory where most of the people speak either Russian (some of them with an accent) or a sort of Ukrainian patois called Surzhik, which is Ukrainian-sounding but with mostly Russian words (the overlap between the two languages is so great that it is difficult to draw the line between them). It was Lenin who lumped in its eastern regions (Donetsk and Lugansk specifically) who previously were part of Russia proper. I am not sure if this is a big deal. Based on how much the MIC spends they are certainly not getting full value, but don`t think for a moment they don`t have some super weapons in the Nevada desert that is better than anything on this planet. The author shouldnt say russian jews he should say russian israelis or israelis of russian origin. If the Ukrainians continue to surrender unconditionally while placating themselves with pipe dreams of EU/NATO membership, the country will depopulate, the land will be sold off to Western agribusiness, and it will become a sort of agricultural no mans land guarded by NATO troops. Orlov and the Saker are two Russian ex-pats writing some of the best analyses on world politics in English these days. He has a BS in Computer Engineering and an MA in Applied Linguistics. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. Buyers have become acutely aware of faulty business processes where business and government oversight intersect. Even applied for charity fundraising jobs. THe way to explain this is as follows: first of all luck (as they say whatever is written in the book of life for you. Dmitry Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad, USSR and immigrated to the United States in the mid-seventies. The Essential Saker IVThe Essential Saker IV free PDF download, The Essential Saker IIIThe Essential Saker III free PDF download, Click on the icon for an explanation of feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This one from D Orlov also a MUST read.5 stars.Enjoy. The global populations of bees, butterflies, frogs, salamanders, little tweety birds, whales, sea lions, sea turtles, etc. This worries me as such people have a way of wanting to stay in power at almost any cost, and not always considering the well being of the country. Will they have the real world experience of Putin? In this interview, which I listened to and found very interesting, Orlov reiterates points he makes in his recent Club Orlov essay, "A Thousand Balls of Flame," which I also read with great interest. Also the dream of a depopulated Ukraine to be turned into a playground for Western agribusiness may be hindered somewhat by the fact that the Russians take a very dim view of Western GMOs and wouldnt like to see GMO-contaminated pollen blowing across their border from the West. The crazies in the State Dept. Many Europeans dont like Conchita Wurst either or dont even know the hewoman. Seraphim Rose Discusses the Jewish Question - Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Englishman Drives Off Satanists and Rescues a 1000-Year-Old Church, When Knights Surrender Their Sword The Problem of Effeminate Men, Married at Age 16, Has 11 Children, Loves Her Husband, Lives in Russia, VIDEO: A Legendary American Monk Who Inspired Christians in Russia - Fr. Christ. My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. Seconding Larchmonter. If they can get the Kiev kleptocrats off their backs. From a purely cynical perspective, this little war is useful for Russia. If we drop the conceit that the Ukraine is a country that can be viable if separated from Russia, what can we say about its chances as part of a Greater Russia? does not sound good in any way anywhere west of Russia so options: Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov - The Vineyard of the Saker Most interesting interview of Dmitry Orlov 11093 Views December 02, 2014 25 Comments I want to draw your attention to a recent interview of Dmitry Orlov by by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity . There comes a moment when they can no longer cope with them. There is a real callousness in this country now, compared to when I lived here from 1985-94. He lays it bare. Large, mass mortality events are a virtual certainty at this point. It had abundant natural resources (fertile land, coal) and an educated labor force. http://www.cfr.org/world/rise-us-nuclear-primacy/p10147. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Alfred: greetings from Melbourne! Question: Are the prospects of Russia-Ukraine cooperation still vague? If anything the economy actually is better not as good as the cooked statistics indicate but things have improved for people I know in that area. (pizd), which is a vulgar term for female genitalia. Like I said, I am not arguing, just making a point. The steps are obvious and unfortunately, maybe definitive: zioimposed religious schism, forceful and exclusive use of Ukrainian from 2020 on, denial to belong to other country different from Ukraine (a patchwork assembled through land thefts). An attempt to catch an universe of meaning in some charts and readings. A military coup? In spite of this confused linguistic situation, Ukrainian was imposed as the language of instruction throughout the country. There will be a lot of these changes around the world when nations start having free will. The Saker interviews Dmitry Orlov 57342 Views April 16, 2019 [ This interview was originally made for the Unz Review] "I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasn't been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case" His older volunteers went through military training in SU, and some if not many, like him, went through Afghanistan and Chechnya. Knowing that at the time they had no desire to invade but we didnt want any piece of them on there own territory. Its a wonderful read, and the most hopeful thing Ive read for ages. More and more of what one hears from the likes of Michael Morell, John McCain, Gen. Robert Scales, Zbigniew Brzezinski and various think tanks suggests that that air has permeated Washingtons halls of power. The influx of returning economic migrants combined with the lack of financial support are likely to spell the demise of certain national elites which have been feasting on Western largesse in return for a bit of Russophobia.

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