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compassion international lgbt

The Family Foundation of Kentucky 2005 20,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) 2007 4,587,858 2011- 170,000 Ive given you my role. This change impacts Compassions rating negatively because we choose to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners every month for our programs that impact children. Since 1980, Compassion International's headquarters have been located in Colorado Springs, CO. You can call Compassion at (800) 336-7676, Monday through Friday, 7a.m. 2008 5,920 2011 2,750 2003 277,613 (see: http://www.hrc.org/blog/entry/nom-exposed-exclusive-key-nom-figures-scheming-behind-the-scenes-action-pla). Many of prominent The Gathering participants and funders (such as Howard Ahmanson, Marvin Olasky, and Herb Schlossberg) have direct ties to leading Christian Reconstructionists, and numerous ministries funded by the National Christian Foundation are headed by signatories to the Coalition on Revival. 2013 1,856,381, Concerned Women For America (EIN 95-3580894). With your support, local leaders can intervene in urgent situations like this to provide essential items and sustainable solutions for struggling children and families. Compassion's goal is to provide a trip to each country every other year. 2006 20,000 Wildmon was an original signatory to the Coalition on Revival. Other co-founders included evangelist D. James Kennedy, James Dobson, and the less well known financial adviser Larry Burkett, one of three co-founders of the now-mammoth National Christian Foundation. Medical emergencies. 2002 11,000 (Eternal Perspectives) 2007 238,700 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) It's a significant commitment, but the incredible difference it makes in the life of a child is invaluable. 3. Fred Hartley III has held prominent leadership roles in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, including serving as the CMAs prayer and worship leader at the Christian and Missionary Alliance 2011 General Council meeting. I know its at least over 80 percent, I believe its 80-85 percent success rate. 2007 24,500 2006 500,000 American Decency Association This encyclopedia documents the role of the National Christian Foundation as the leading domestic U.S. funding source for organizations and institutions involved in anti-LGBT rights activism and which are ideologically hostile to gay rights. 2006 13,200 But the very existence of the movement serves to move the Overton Window, by making positions that might otherwise seem extreme look moderate by comparison. 2010 81,623 2013 0, Massachusetts Family Institute (EIN 04-3113783). 2007 6,000 While National Christian Foundation direct funding of CFCV has been modest, heavy NCF funding has flowed, indirectly, to CFCV through the Alliance Defense Fund/Alliance Defending Freedom. 2002 12,150 A maturing child needs the gender-specific influences of both a mother and a father. 2006 65,050 Because of the unique, unusual role the Iowa caucuses play in the American election primary system, the Iowa Family Policy Center wields great influence over Republican presidential hopefuls. 2007 5,000 2010 130,600 Thank you for helping with the medical bills when I almost lost my eyesight. 2003 11,000 2002 52,500 The Institute On Religion and Democracy (EIN 52-1265221). There were 248 who came, 50 members of parliament, and they invited me and the College of Prayer to come back twice a year for the next three years and mentor them.. There are already 4,400 Bible-believing congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area, The Church in the Bay Area is already strategically positioned to strike at the enemy. (pp. Patrick Henry College 2003 99,901 By 2006, when the National Christian Foundation gave $12,000 to Paul Camerons Family Research Institute, over two decades had passed since Cameron had been disavowed by two of Americas most important relevant professional associations. Sponsored children are selected by the sponsors from lists provided by the ministry, and two-way communication is encouraged between the sponsored child and the sponsor. While Advocates International states that The goal of AI is justice with compassion in Christ, it also promotes an anti-LGBT agenda and is developing a close working collaboration with related groups, such as the (NCF-funded) Alliance Defending Freedom (formerly Alliance Defense Fund) that are emerging in the forefront of the mounting international war on gay rights (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/webfm_send/260). Thomas, once a practicing Catholic, has been attending Truro, a charismatic Episcopal church, for about a year, The Friday evening ceremony was a jubilant occasion. 2008 65,000 It mattered, and it was enough. Compassion International is publisher of Bushs 2009 book The 4/14 Window: Raising Up a New Generation to Transform The World, and Vice President of Compassion International Bambang Budijanto serves on the Transform-World steering committee. from 8 AM - 9 PM ET. 2004 0 2005 27,840 2009 194,750 2006 211,500 2007 4,000 2011 5,005,293 This year, for the first time ever, several Compassion alumni returned to write one last letter to their former sponsors in this inspiring video. It was founded and is still chaired by Mathew (Mat) Staver, who also serves as director of the Liberty Center for Law and Policy at Liberty University, and provides legal assistance with regard to religious liberty, abortion and the family.. The Lord knows that sexually twisted people will rape the animals. 2004 4,500 2013 25,300, (EIN 64-0607275 note: the AFA has also received substantial funding from The Gathering attendee Ken Eldred, through his Living Stones Charitable Trust [EIN 52-7038921] which from 2009 to 2011 gave the American Family Association $800,000), The American Family Association is headed by the Rev. The ADF is currently representing a group of plaintiffs challenging a provision of the Affordable Care Act that requires employee health plans from for-profit employers to provide contraceptive coverage. 2003 66,500 2011 7,900 Christian and Missionary Alliance leaders have played a significant role in organizing and inspiring Ugandan religious and political leaders in the vanguard of Ugandas anti-LGBT crusade, through their organization of the Atlanta-area based international College of Prayer. 2007 7,960 They didn't have children when they sponsored him, and they told Kennedy he was their first son. This is the work of God, this is the work of Jesus. The prior year, in 2012, LaBarbera was a participant in the 2012 World Congress of Families, in Madrid. 2010 328,969 I vividly remember the day I received that yellow letter notifying me that you have chosen me to be your sponsored child. At Compassion, one of our highest goals is to help children grow to reach their full, God-given potential. 2007 2,171,275 2005 8,000 Brian Cox, associate rector of a sister church, the Church of the Apostles, exhorts Truros congregants to obey unquestioningly Gods commands. 2007 66,500 It was organized to counteract the radical movement on campus. The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod overwhelmingly passed a resolution reaffirming its traditional, biblical stance on gender identity and sexual orientation, while also calling for churches to "minister compassionately" to people who identify as LGBT. 2003 4,000 2007 35,000 2008 0 Leaders in the non-denominational Fellowship of Christian Athletes are required to sign a Sexual Purity Statement which includes the following: God desires His children to lead pure lives of holiness. The ex-gay ministry His Servants is run by Don Schmierer, a Program Director For Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Company from 1992-2011 (and maybe even more recently). (see: see http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=14100&PRID=1165 ) The major 2012-2013 National Christian Foundation increase in funding to the liberty Counsel is suggestive in light of LCs legal representation of Lively. 2013 2,000. 2003 27,000 One of the most prominent members of the Fellowship (according to the Billy Graham Archives at Wheaton College) was the late Nixon Administration lawyer and hatchet man Charles Colson. 2005 2,898,640 2005 10,800 2007 1,108,780 Former Dean of Pepperdine University and now-President and Chancellor of Baylor University Kenneth Starr serves on the Advocates International board (see: http://www.advocatesinternational.org/node/697). Vision Forum has published writers such as William O. Einwechter, who not only argues for the criminalization of homosexuality but also for the execution, per Old Testament scripture, of disobedient children. Soon after that, I got my first ever gift, which was my first pair of shoes. Kicked off with the 1987 publication of the TURNING POINT Christian Worldview series book Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, Crossway Books) by Herbert Schlossberg and Marvin Olasky, the series was designed to advance lines of argument that would appeal both to conservative Protestant and Catholic intellectuals alike and featured such little-known but deeply influential (within certain religious right circles) books as E. Calvin Beisners Prospects For Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1990, Crossway Books.). 1. The costs to family, children and culture are too great to concede this battle to those who would see marriage and family redefined to the point of irrelevancy., (see: http://www.mafamily.org/issues/marriage-and-family/same-sex-marriage/), Eric Metaxas, a recently featured speaker at The Gathering, is the scheduled speaker at an upcoming The Villars Statement on Relief and Development (see: https://disciplenations.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/the-villars-statement-on-relief-and-development1.pdf ), signed by the 40-odd evangelicals attending Villars, stressed 13 key points: [W]e raise our concerns over the following issues. [26] Compassion provided services under its Child Sponsor Program to 145,000 Indian children. The concept of an alternative definition that includes same-sex couples is fundamentally flawed. In 1994 the Glenn Eyrie castle headquarters of The Navigators hosted a secret anti-LGBT rights conference which included representatives from Focus on The Family, the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Christian Coalition, Concerned Women of America, and the Christian Reconstructionism-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party. 2012 1,850 2005 0 At the Glenn Eyrie conference, speakers outlined an evolving, multilayer strategy to combat LGBT rights. An entire literature, from Miller and other evangelical aid and development theorists, now spells out exactly how the Villars Statement vision is to be, in quite practical terms, applied in the field; and, major evangelical aid and relief organizations are now integrating this approach into their international programs. Regeneration is billed as one of the oldest ex-gay ministries. Ellis and ter Haar (1998) discuss this particular tract in terms of its reference to evil and therefore as an implicit critique of power and corruption. The NCFs core beliefs include the statement, the entire Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God; the only infallible rule of faith and practice. (see: https://www.nationalchristian.com/vision), NCFs founders have helped create and lead the elite anti-gay evangelical right NCF co-founder and current board member Ron Blue has swerved on the Campus Crusade for Christ board and NCF co-founder (the late) Larry Burkett worked as a financial manager for CCC; Burkett was also a founding member of the Alliance Defense Fund (now renamed Alliance Defending Freedom); NCF co-founder and current NCF board member Terry Parker has served on the board of the Family Research Council (see encyclopedia entries for these three organizations.). 2006 6,400 Desert Stream Ministries in their community, *2008, Dr. Bruce Wydick, University of San Francisco. 2009 18,861 2011 142,500 Wrote Gentry, the family must align itself with God and His Law, rather than with blood ties or emotional attachment, as is so often the case. I am serving as one of 100 orientation leaders to represent the University of Michigan . In 1983, the American Psychological Association had dropped Cameron from its membership for a violation of the [APA] Preamble to the Ethical Principles of Psychologists; In 1985, the American Sociological Association adopted a resolution that stated, Dr. 2004 1,000 2012 6,000, Prison Fellowship Ministries (EIN numbers 62-0988294 and 51-0247185), 2001 631,200 2009 156,650 In 2001, Howard Ahmanson was at R.J. Rushdoonys dying bedside. 2006 1,000 2010 5,750 2001 0 WCF conference speakers have included Scott Lively, Don Schmierer, and Judith Reisman. The First Baptist Church runs a branch of the addiction recovery program Celebrate Recovery (launched by Rick Warrens Saddleback Church) that promotes a version of reparative therapy. During the conference, FoF representative John Eldredge, who brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family, told attendees among whom were representatives from the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, the Christian Coalition, the Christian Reconstructionism movement-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party, and the Conservative Caucus, whose longtime head Howard Phillips called Christian Reconstructionism founder R.J. Rushdoony his spiritual mentor that those of us at Focus on the Family in the public policy fight see this issue as one of the key issues of our time. The Biblical family is predicated on Gods created order and His dominion mandate for men and women to be fruitful and multiply and to steward the earth. Since implementation of the new abstinence-based policy, Ugandas HIV infection rate has risen. Compassion International Daly noted that orthodox Christian were both for and against the bill. 2005 6,000 2002 12,978 In that case, CLS and ADF argued that an officially recognized student CLS chapter at a public university could bar LGBT students and non-Christians from leadership positions. 2008 293,300 2011 118,120 Compassion International Process Improvement Analyst III- Global Programs Remote 7d $84K-$105K Per Year (Employer est.) Noebels book characterized homosexuality as a kind of national death wish which sought to change the natural order created by God himself.. Marketplace Leaders Ministries Summit Ministries 2013 180,000. 2005 10,300 2011 -7,387, The Jesus Film Project (Campus Crusade For Christ International) EIN 95-6006173 . . 2006 37,500 2012 100,893, Minneosta Teen Challenge (EIN 41-1517351), Teen Challenge is a an international network of addiction recovery centers run by the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God. Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. All of this is anathema to the homosexual movement, The truth is this: Homosexuality brings judgment on the land. 2006 30,823 2005 242,775 Focus on The Family currently provides three publications concerning the issue of homosexuality. 2007 1,574,257 The day will come when they will have children, and there wont be a thing they will be able to do to stop predators from taking advantage of their children because it will be against the law to discriminate. , 2001 5,000 2009 0 Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history., Domestic Policy, and the battle against LGBT rights. . 2012 28,500 2009 4,032,927 My family was definitely at the heart of poverty. Top Ranked Companies It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. (see: http://www.tv.com/m/shows/the-700-club/trivia/). 2006 1,814,722 Noebels most notable contribution, as expressed in his 1991 book Understanding the Times: The Religious Worldviews of our Day and the Search for Truth (1996, Harvest House, republished in 2006) may be his idea that secular humanism has replaced communism as the leading threat to America and Christianity. 2007 47,494 2011 71,000 COP Uganda includes as a member Ugandan MP David Bahati who introduced a draft of the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill to Ugandas parliament in early 2009. 2008 53,100 However, once children graduate from the program and the sponsorship relationship comes to a close, the letters stop. 2003 0 and instead of helping them we are papering over their problems . 2005 1,675 20:13, Rom. (also see entry for the Revival Prayer Alliance), 2001 2,000 (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/truth-in-action-homosexuality-slavery-threat-freedom and http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/truth-in-action-moral-chaos-liberalism-gay-rights). 2006 50,000 For boys in Mathare, drugs and crime were so prevalent that making it to the age of 16 became a milestone because they had escaped prison or death. Then, in 2013, NCF funding of Becket doubled, to $185,000. 2008 17,100 I knew someone thought of me and prayed for me and that I was loved. TheCall held a major stadium rally prior to the 2008 election, but also maintained eight California field offices for turning out the pro-Proposition 8 evangelical church vote. I wanted to tell you, thank you so much for helping us rebuild our house when we lost it to flames. American Values will help empower your kids to stand against the liberal culture. However, in Kenya these ideas fed into Mois portrayals of the countrys socioeconomic woes as resulting not from poor leadership but from individual sin that had allowed Satan to enter the nation. What number can I call if I need more information? ACSI does not promulgate a public statement of faith for its members, but it publishes model policies and practices as well as provides advice and counsel on how schools can best exclude or expel gay students., The Association of Christian Schools International provides academic certification for numerous Protestant fundamentalist private schools with explicit anti-gay policies, as detailed in the (also see The Hidden War On Gay Teens, Rolling Stone magazine, October 10, 2013 http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/the-hidden-war-against-gay-teens-20131010 ), 2004 10,000 2004 3,000 2010 3,640 MLM is the ministry of Os Hillman, a friend of Julius Oyet. 2002 1,000 2013 299,886, Foundation For Moral Law (Judge Roy Moore) (EIN 03-0502850), Alabama Chief Justice Judge Roy Moore is widely known for installing a two and a half ton Ten Commandments monument at the Alabama State Courthouse in 2001. Can you explain Compassions rating on Charity Navigator? 2006 0 2012 15,800 Proclaim Jesus Christ as the Ruler over the kings of the earth (Revelation 1:5) 2010 273,700 2002 114,125 2012 9,651,178, Josh McDowell Ministries ( CCC ) Political movements (like Nazism and Communism) trained legions of children with the goal of carrying their agenda beyond the lifetimes of their founders. Subsequent legal decisions which built upon that decision established that religious groups can rent out public school facilities on the weekends. 2007 15,000 2006 994,520 2006 1,517,669 Everett Swanson first ministered 2005 17,550 It kills (as we have been reminded by the AIDS crisis). 2013 15,220. 2011 77,200 2012 230,615, Officers Christian Fellowship (EIN 38-1415401), ( see: http://www.ocfusa.org/static/uploads/bible-studies/genesis19.pdf ), 2001 3,000 CNA, Nursing Home, Caregiver. 2008 1,000 Michigan Family Forum In 2011, the IFPC, known for hosting Republican candidate debates, released a pledge on family values, The Marriage Vow A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family, which included support for the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), that was quickly signed by presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. 2010 40,588 2011 0 2005 81,393 Weigel, then an E&PCC fellow, had earlier appeared on a January 1, 2003 PBS Religion and Ethics Newsweekly segment arguing the just war case for a US preemptive strike on Iraq, on the basis that Iraq had acquired weapons of mass destruction that posed on existential threat to its neighbors (see: http://video.pbs.org/video/2361761695/ ). 2002 1,500 2002 200 As detailed in a Twocare.org investigative report, CEF was one of the leading ministries engaged in the 1992-1997 program under which American evangelicals indoctrinated millions of school children in former Soviet Union countries (see: http://www.twocare.org/how-antigay-american-fundamentalists-indoctrinated-russias-school-children-1992-1997/). 2008 166,366 2005 5,300 2002 1,000 ADA is a Michigan spinoff of Donald Wildmons American Family Association. 2001 20,000 Warren also met with First Lady Janet Museveni and spoke at Uganda Christian University. 2008 1,500 (Bethel Church no EIN provided) Ugandan Stephen Langa, on of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill and a close ally of Livelys, is an elder at the Watoto Church. Hollywood serves up a steady diet of irresponsible sex and violence. claimed, among other things, that seventy percent of gay men have fecal sex, which involves ingesting large amounts of feces; that thirty-three percent of gay men are pedophiles, and that gay couples are coming to Africa to steal their children and turn them into homosexuals; that homosexuality has come to Africa to kill us, and thus must be eradicated; that gays are fifteen times more likely to be murderers; and that Africans should reject aid from Western organizations that are trying to infiltrate their continent with the homosexual agenda. First time logging in? Evidence has emerged that Nazarios Knights Templar members proved their loyalty through an act of cannibalism. 2013 500 (Regeneration Inc), Revival Prayer Institute, Inc. (EIN 58-2559217). 2011 267,309 ( 50,850K to AFA radio ) Eldredges books have helped establish the pop-psychology substrate beneath the ex-gay mythos. 2011 0 The former head of late TV preacher D James Kennedys now defunct dominionist Center For Reclaiming America For Christ, Gary Cass has been a featured speaker at Christian Reconstructionist conferences (see: http://www.alternet.org/story/55717/). MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Wilburn219-384-8177[emailprotected], Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 Schmierers ministry His Servants sells a line of high-production value ex-gay reparative therapy books including Schmierers 1998 book An Ounce of Prevention: Preventing the Homosexual Condition in Todays Youth, which cites now-discredited research from Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse claiming a 33-60 percent success rate in therapy aimed at the conversion from heterosexual to homosexual orientation. Schmierers line of reparative therapy book have been translated into almost two dozen world languages, including Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Hindi. 2004 74,100 The world will come to learn, for example, that though God passionately loves every homosexual, remaining in that sin will cause someone to fall under the sword of His judgment. By contrast, too often Christans broadcast all they do There are times we need to keep quiet. He told listeners in the sermon that homosexuality is sin in the eyes of God, and it is sin in the word of God and also issued a call to lovingly but firmly respond to the aggressive agenda of homosexual activists., The op-ed quotes the late D. James Kennedy, When you have an immoral society that has blatantly, proudly, violated all of the commandments of God, there is one last virtue they insist upon: tolerance for their immorality. (see: http://evangelismexplosion.org/tolerance-police-arrest-louie-giglio/), 2001 37,000 The World Congress of Families has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT Hate group. 2010 1,529,263 2008 4,248 Violate that rule and you are toastas last weeks public shunning of evangelical pastor Louie Giglio shows. God is clear in His Word, and His standards never change. 2008 1,028,150 In a May 27, 2010 AFA column (see: http://www.afa.net/blogs/blogpost.aspx?id=2147494882) Fischer wrote, Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews. To go to the entry for any given organization, clink on the links below. Learn how Compassion changed her future. We did not eat up to four days a week sometimes. 2006 45,000 What makes Compassion stand out among other child development and/or sponsorship organizations? Kennedy describes the typical home in Mathare as having two parents and five children, all living in a shack that is 10 feet by 10 feet. 2009 78,000 2003 1,000 significance, and moral discernment. Besides his ongoing hostility to LGBT rights, Florida Family Council head Stemberger has been accused, by the National Black Justice Coalition, of making racist public comments for seeming to suggest, on a Florida talk radio show, that August 2014 riots in Ferguson, Missouri riots that followed the fatal police shooting of an unarmed African-American teenager were not really about the police shooting but were, rather, manifestations of a barbarian society caused by a decline in traditional marriage. 2003 23,280 2009 77,000 2011 100 On page 35 of the American Values 2012 990 tax form, the American Values Statement of Values declares, The liberal culture has targeted our kids. 2007 15,000 2006 75,000 Not blood, but faith should rule us. Christian Anti Defamation Commission I would have either gotten into crime and drugs, which were always available around me. Promotes conferences that seek to change gay people, Admits: I believe homosexuality is harmful to all, including society, and is against the teachings of the God of the Bible, Equates homosexuality with bestiality and adultery: The Judeo-Christian worldview at the heart of Western culture and so our legal and governmental systems (Ten Commandments, an eye for an eye, the very concepts of mercy, justice and rehabilitation) promotes marriage and family while decrying other modes of sexuality homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, etc, Uses skewed research from activists who share his view to claim that gay men can change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and that homosexual orientation is not an immutable fact of nature or Creation., IFI President Smith has testified before the Indiana House in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage (see: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/01/22/3195191/indiana-house-committee-advances-constitutional-amendment-banning-sex-marriage/).

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compassion international lgbt