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christopher nemelka blog

We live in a world where mistakes are made, but we still have to acknowledge when we are enlightened. That video is easily debunked. A God that is actually condemning those actions. It cant be found in any one organization on this earth any more than that of another. Those who truly have the Holy Spirit, those who are genuinely seeking for real truth, wont let this stop them from finding it! He doesnt tell us to leave our churches and says its all good. That can only be received through personal revelation and not from any earthly organization. Personal revelation does not play down revelation, it is in fact the most important revelation anyone can receive. Not funny just Mormon. So does that mean the Sealed Portion is true? The Celestial Kingdom is the kingdom where we receive the greatest gifts and power, but truthfully all kingdoms are equal to one another, no one kingdom is better than another. Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon has many interpretations. Why would they deny a child raised by gay parents baptism when they believe from their own church such denial is thwarting their own salvation, that baptism is required to dwell with the Father again? Again, I have lost all hope in the people of this world. But she said the family is also somewhat comforted knowing now that the couple charged with murdering her have been incarcerated for more than a year and that the killing appears to be the result of a random attack. Women are just important in Gods plan as men. Let me ask you a question for the second time. 2. Whether or not a story is fictitious has nothing to do with the truths it teaches. Are you sure you have all your facts straight? This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. They are sought within, through our own personal relationship with Christ (in whatever form you would argue him to exist, he does exist). Question for both of us. This is a memorial therefore to Hyrum and to Christopher, as the same person. Not long after the headstone was dedicated, it was vandalized by being knocked over. that all men should have charity, Joseph and Hyrum met their demise while incarcerated at the Carthage Jail in June 1844. That all that is written is biased and prejudiced based on what they want the world to believe about Joseph Smith., In his speech, Nemelka explained that the Bible was invented by men, but that The Book of Mormon was erected by advanced human beings to counter the Bible. He claimed that God is nothing more than an advanced man and that it was an advanced human being that appeared to Joseph Smith when he was but a boy. You acknowledge the seal portion is not real truth and the BOM is based on deception. Chris Nemelka. They do good sure, buy why donate with charity on occasion and let everyone else starve, when poverty can be solved worldwide without the need for any charity organization to ensure the poor stay poor? In addition, like most of all the visions, your spirit leaves your body, you body isnt changed for a while then changed back. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830, , I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004, was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a. with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. But I do know this. shall be given by the power of the The promised book of Revelation 20:12. Whats happened in this world. Leave that out, and we are each left to our own devices as to what truth is and how to apply it. She writes: Ive always been in perfect health, so I was devastated when, after a regular checkup, doctors diagnosed me with breast cancer. One of Nemelkas followers interrupted an LDS devotional attempting to deliver the Lost 116 Pages of the Book of Mormon to President Hinckley in 2005. Nemelka said her family has experienced a lot of emotions over the past year, including anger, fear and uncertainty. Your Name? I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. We cannot dismiss the presence of good in this world, but at your own peril, you should not dismiss the presence of evil either, or else another holocaust will take place. I have looked for truth and confirmations of the Spirit more than any other person I have ever known without exception. I will continue to live until I have completed my mission and the role that I have chosen for myself as a mortal experiencing life upon this earth. Why act as if this Christopher character is the enemy of the church? This is my testimony of the Prophet Joseph and as far as Mr. Nemelka, well, looking back on the history of prophets of old and modern times, it is not a real standout calling as far as longevity or popularity. Your own message are intensely compact with many ideas that could create whole other conversations. What is the purpose of the atonement? I respect that you find happiness in the church, but you need to respect I find that in A Marvelous Work and a Wonder. But we shouldnt blame the devil for all that is wrong with the world when we can take responsibility for our own actions. Andrew Nemets is 55 years old and was born on 04/07/1967.Andrew Nemets currently lives in Fairfax, VA; in the past Andrew has also lived in Alexandria VA and Baltimore MD.Sometimes Andrew goes by various nicknames including Andrew Peter Nemets, Andrew M Nemets and Andrew P Nemets. However, good and evil are not universal. "Christopher Nemelka will conduct a symposium this Sunday afternoon at the Salt Lake City Main Library on his interpretation of the meaning of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' temple endowment. If you can justify a defense of your belief, then so can the other side that believes different from you. I could never believe in someone who quotes the Bible and Book Of Mormon and affiliated scriptures who promotes it and desecrates it simultaneously, providing utter confusion to the weak in faith, and lacks obviously true spiritual values. What was the mighty weapon that destroyed the wickedness and protected their people? The arms of the Father will always be open to all who seek it! "Nemelka is the anti-Christ of the LDS Church." "Why would you have one book to get it started (Book of Mormon), then one That was the last question you asked. It cannot be a true restoration if old is accepted with the new. He knows more than he says and he tells us what we can handle. I just asked her if she's written her story and would be willing to share it. I have not read Menelka declare in his writings, Jesus is the Christ and is the author of Salvation. Its Korihor all over again. That is a rule I follow in my personal life, and it is a principle that has brought me peace in what would otherwise cause a huge conflict. God can. Meaning, the fault of war is likely on the conscience of both sides due to pride and other variables. They were promised that no other nation would threaten or take away their freedom if the American people (who called themselves Christians) would establish their new nation, their constitution, and their government on the rock of the teachings of Jesus. Remember the Lamanite king that converted to the Nephites. He gave these teachings to the Jews and repeated them, word for word, to the ancient American people (according to the, Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the, the early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. He removes the burden of sin by removing the law and the consequence so we have no responsibility. All things shall be brought to the light, no one can escape it. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. Satan is the father of all lies no matter how cleaver they are. Even if Mark Twain had some good principles in Huckleberry Finn, its not scripture, and never claimed to be. There are literally thousands of interpretations of the Bible, none of which are consistent or logical with the other. I admit, that this life is hard and the choices tough. That is, show us real truth. Welcome to the SEALED-NOT or "It is not the Sealed Portion" web site. Jessie appears to also be a follower of Chris Nemelka. He says, I know these advanced human beings. Japan felt they were being attacked by the US with the oil embargo. Christopher Nemelka has brought out other books and although they can be controversial at times to modern day thinking, they are packed full of amazing truths that can resonate and illuminate the mind. It is like feeding a dog crumbs after finishing a meal. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi, chapters 12, 13, and 14. I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminatia group of highly intelligent (illuminated) mortals whose sole purpose is to help the human race save itself from complete destruction. they seek not the welfare of Zion. people believe what they want to believe, if its real or not it doesnt matter. You call me judge, then you judge me. As long as they still respect my God, though I do not disclose who I really am for their acceptance, I am in the wonderful position to accept them. this thing; wherefore, the Lord That is right, discern good from evil. Because Enoch and his people were in the presence of God and all among them knew these things. In fact, this unchallengeable information can help a person know and understand things that will help them find peace and understanding in what is about to happen upon this earth. It is an explanation of things as they. You say a great deal, you should expect a great deal. It is hard to tell what direction your argument is going. These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. Germany felt they were attacked by an unfair peace agreement. will be in the future. Accountability from the LDS understanding to the understanding in Christophers work is not the problem. There is no lesser glory, they are all equal but different. The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their, shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation., It was upon this rock (this gospel) that the American people were guaranteed perpetual salvation. One guy kept calling me friend, he was LDS, then hed rub my face in the dirt (or was that mud?). Its not real truth. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. If drinking and smoking and not being married to your sexual partner is what makes you happy then no church should tell you otherwise. Dont mistake my disclosure of the truth that I believe as aggression, except when I respond to what I perceive as an attack. The true messenger today, who I know is Christopher, is the only messenger that was allowed to fully disclose his true identity in all of human history. He accused the church of leading the people astray. will not put my trust in the arm I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. They hope they will be lucky and not be called to war. Visit the official Web site of "Marvelous Work and a Wonder" Visit the official Web site of Worldwide United Foundation (Links takes you outside the Rick A. Ross Institute web site) Christopher Nemelka to Confront His Critics A burning in Ida Smith's bosom leads her to Christopher Nemelka's new spiritual order This is a warning to the people and not for children. They were inspired by the God of this world. Why? Everything that I have testified to above has a religious connotaion to it. Nor does he reward us equally for our choices. You have the agency to make your own choices and will be held accountable for those choices. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the. They never change into caring loving individuals since they have way too much fun and take way too much pride in messing with emotional people as a means of existential vengeance. I can acknowledge that all three were remarkable and inspired works, all three have had a massive impact on the world, but who inspired them?. If God spoke the truth just as it was in heaven and NOT on earth, we wouldnt understand one dang thing he said. The one Christopher translate is almost exact copy of original. unto thee, my God, the rock of my Already disillusioned with the church, he ventured into the Temple's upper room where the Twelve Apostles meet. That they hunger nor thirst no more? If you recall the Lamanites were always the majority and always fought against the Christian believer. You still have to accept responsibility for all your actions and take the steps to correct them on your own. You repeated some of it again, that the church is holding us back and not telling us everything. Confusing to me. In the pre-mortal life (or during our foundationalization process) we were all innocent and therefore had to undergo opposition and how life should not be so that we could appreciate what Christ taught us in the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible. Authority gives men the excuse to use that power to abuse and subjugate those beneath them. It is true there are places in Christophers work that state we wont be held responsible for our actions, but that is because the purpose of mortality is to get things wrong (and to experience opposition) so we can appreciate a perfect existence and society when we become resurrected. But loving everyone never told us to accept evil or sin. Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. Repentance will lead us back to innocence whereas justification leads us back to sin and ultimate damnation. It is clear to me that we are not in Gods presence and there is no true Zion. Until I prayed about and pondered every passage just as I did the LDS standard scriptures. That we come together in peace and harmony and agree to disagree? For me, that angel is Ronald Reagan. When we realize how terrible our actions were upon this earth, we know our Heavenly Mothers were correct and that we cannot be Gods like our Heavenly Parents are. The knowledge that I have has the power to help humans create peace among themselves, and learn things that will allow them to attain a perpetual state of human experience upon this earth. Because his mandate is different than any other prophet or messenger before him, his job is to reveal real truth regardless of the rejection or how people think of it. SPEND MY TIME AND MONEY ON ME!'. A pathological liar is not a humble person but reading his personal accounts makes me think Joseph was quite humble. It is the word of men.. Theyre responsible. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. And by doing so, I am not the Korihor that you believe I am. Though he did not appear personally, Nemelka sent his legal counsel, Rodney J. Criticizes the leadership I have no interest in contacting your bishop, thats up to you. Is the message brutal? Who questions someone who goes to church every Sunday? Ive read the Book of Mormon and the majority of Christophers writings. I also have no need to convert everyone or even one. Agency does not relieve you of responsibility for your actions, not even the ones you didnt realize were wrong. And at that point he wasnt even a messenger. I have knowledge that can save this world from the destruction that appears imminent. She would never suggest the clues to making out who she is behind her mask. Christ gospel is clear and constant, Lucifer message is all over the place and changes to fit the desires of the person. It brings them out of following after the arm of the flesh and to listen to the Spirit instead. prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. It is about as long as the post above. It brings me peace. Sometimes, when I meditate on that moment, I can still see the man in white with bloodshot eyes, and I know he is my guardian angel. Salt Lake City, UT 84121-1022 Relatives Summary. I don't know that it would be a "what not to do", because we each have our own spiritual journey. to the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end (a new American scripture, the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14). see all chapter drafts. Christians dont want to see that. So far mwaw has created 571 blog entries. You are of the OPINION that in order to be a member I need to believe what you believe, do what you do. That doesnt mean we shouldnt feel sorry or that there are no consequences for what we have done. I cannot see your email address. You arent allowing me to love others equally because of the claimed gospel that you teach. The LDS church believes what they do is justified with evidence of persecution like Smiths martyrdom. Grant it there are less than the Bible, but many LDS sects either polygamous or otherwise all interpret the book differently, also including D&C and the Pearl of Great Price. What is about to happen is mentioned in my mentors new American scripture as the result of the fullness of the wrath of God.. shall forever ascend up unto thee, I know there are plenty of psychopaths that use the church as their mask of purity and innocence. Light shines the brightest in darkness. That is the goal, but it cant be met if the other decides being uncivil and cutting me down is the best strategy. Christopher Nemelka states he does not believe in the Book of Mormon in his Reality Quest. Question for both of us. As the game is being played, things do not progress in the game as it is supposed to be played. Same with the other kingdoms. I make it a habit to talk about everything a person has spoken about unless I see it is irrelevant or that responding goes nowhere. To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. Repentance is taught for the purpose of getting us to humble ourselves and gives us a chance to get in touch with the Holy Spirit. It is the easy way out. This is defying authority outside of your own personal revelation. We call this understanding the Real Truth. When I say first messenger I am referring to all known prophets or deities in known Christian (and sometimes non-Christian) history. It is pride that causes one people to think themselves more enlightened than another, and this pride causes contention just as the early church experienced because of those beliefs. unto man that he should act for And it came to pass in his days, that he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion. John stated our spirits are made from the same matter as Gods and that we are connected to Him. How can we know we arent the ones who have fallen for this modern day prophesy of wickedness? prophesied it would becomean ensign and standard to the world. I find that extremely puzzling. You must first Have Love, one for another, Forgive one another. All of this you tell me is to justify embracing a book that someone admittedly made up. Here you will find information pertaining to the veracity of the so-called "Sealed Portion" of the Book of Mormon. That you accept me for who I am now instead of for what you want me to be, to be more like you. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a more concise and complete explanation given of the purpose of LDS temples and the instruction given therein. Plays down revelation and the truth it presents To explain their intent and what motivated them to write a new American scripture and introduce it to early America, the Real Illuminati instructed me to write a seriesa Trilogyof books. Mnchen und Umgebung, Deutschland. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I may teach or say something that isnt true, but its only because i didnt know it was false, once I do, i abandon it. I accept the LDS church even if I dont agree with their doctrine. Joseph Smith is the only one of Gods prophets to be shot in the face with a gun. After The Sealed Portion was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a sealed, greater portion to their new American scripture. I have seen the biography of Christopher Nemelka by Robert Pace on the comment above (youtube). (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at. I am more concerned with what God would say as opposed to the arm of flesh upon this earth. The Book of Mormon was the unsealed portion of a record that was reported to be a translation of certain plates with the appearance of gold. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. I would expect that in order to have a meaningful conversation with you, seeing what you had to say and finding flaw or truth is a good way to go about being reasonable and moving forward with the conversation.

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