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john vidovich documentary

Water that he will take, critics fear, and eventually sell to Southern California cities. No water in the ground to make up for the missing government supply. If they pass a law saying I cant sell it, then I cant sell it. They spend $50 a month on bottled water. The footprint of agriculture has grown a good deal beyond what the water can cover. Where gravity needs a boost, the pipes run atop wooden crates used to pack boxes of fruit. The Mojave Water Agency in the high desert needed a backup supply to serve its growing communities of Barstow and Apple Valley, Hesperia and Victorville. He worked as a gardener in Los Angeles and then heard about the almond trees on the other side of the mountain where the living was so much cheaper. Never mind that this is one of the most over-drafted basins in California or that the land is sinking a half-foot a year. Well, maybe just a little guilt, but thats Jewish. He said the prod for all their giving in Lost Hills happened in Aspen, of all places. Vidovich wrote out a check for the full amount, then went looking for the water to prop up Resnicks monopoly. But when the Kings does flood, as its doing now, millions of acre feet rush north to join up with the San Joaquin River and empty into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Wild salmon and all these sides made from scratch. The water sent to Kern County1.4 million acre-feet a yearhas doubled the cropland. When it doesnt come, he finds a way to make it come. He spits tobacco juice into the empty can of Rockstar. She described commodity programs as making up less than 13 percent of the farm bill. The bunches of chartreuse-tipped nuts hanging from antler branches never touch the ground. They greet me with smiles and handshakes. In a region of wall-to-wall plantings, one of the walls is crashing down. His bar was a place for guys, Damon Runyontype guys., Resnicks pals were all Jewish kids from upper-class families, so it wasnt easy being the poorest one, the one whose father was a gambler and capable at any moment of losing the few comforts they had. For just $5/month, you can help sustain Marketplace so we can keep reporting on the things that matter to you. Vidovich shrugged it off, saying the flaw amounted to putting the descriptions on the wrong pages and quickly appealed. Read our full comments policy:, $5.00 How can this be? I cut across Twisselman Road to the pipeline gliding along the aqueduct like a silver snake. There are plans, crazy as it sounds, to take out 10,000 acres of almonds. What if I failed? ", "I don't know why the county can't work with Sandridge (Vidovich's company) and suggest other locations because it's going to cause the county significant issues in terms of air quality Kings County doesn't have the best," said Gornick. Scott: And of course that could have serious implications for these workers. One year, it delivers 900,000 acre-feet of snowmelt. Not a single penny was put in that piggy bank.. When youre making the kind of money were making, whats the upside? They were farmers back in San Antonio, growing lettuce, cilantro, and radishes on a small plot of land. Inside, a trainer watches over a line of treadmills, elliptical machines, and stationary bikes. His first wife, the mother of his two sons and daughter, told him she was quite happy living in their $30,000 condo in Culver City. Then the men of cotton, driven out of the South by the boll weevil, put the five rivers into canals and dried up the lake. In the Wonderful fields, he tells me, at least 80 percent of the workers carry no documents or documents that are not real. Summer or not, theyre dressed in shirt layered upon shirt and the same no-name dusty blue jeans. His account appeared in the Earth Island Journal, a small environmental quarterly out of Berkeley. I steer toward the almonds, past a row of worker housing and a main gate. Im actually not supposed to talk about it.. According to some observers, the facility is expected to hold a 1,000-cow feedlot (which can be developed upwards of 12,500 animals) and a slaughterhouse at the proposed site, within spitting distance of the city of Lemoore and West Hills College Lemoore. You have no idea the people on my VIP list who drink it. He was in the mood to gamble. The relatives try not to press them, but the arrangement still feels like a form of indentured servitude. He gambled on the price of nuts going up, and he gambled on the water never going dry. His accountant suggested he buy apartments. Buttonwillow, California Search Background Check John Vidovich was associated with Sandridge Partners, L.P. between 2018 and 2021. He thinks Ive understated the crop.. I hop out of the car. So far, Lynda has shown only patience. Well still make money.. But you ask the growers we process, and theyll tell you that year in and year out, no one offers a better price. On this same stretch of 99, I once wrote a story about farmworkers who moonlighted as meth cookers to make ends meet. But I couldnt have picked a more cinematic name than Lost Hills. But when your neighbor is going to lose his crop, you do what you can to help him., I tell Vidovich this sounds almost charitable. Selfo works 50 hours a week as an irrigator. Like the waters of the lake, the indent of the Resnicks will recede from the land, too. We cant insist on wellness the way we can insist on plant safety. Nothing will stop the houses. The dam ends up holding and the levees, too. Since it is also true that Lost Hills has belonged to the Resnicks for 30 years, one of us might have blurted out, What took you so long to find it? As the film runs to credits, I can see that one credit is missing. I exited my car and approached the entrance with its 14-foot columns and wrought-iron balustrades. Then one day, he was trying to find a marketing person and got a call from Lynda Sinay, who worked in advertising. Anything else I can help you with?, He seems in a hurry. A cross of Jesus hangs from the bedpost. He guides me back into the main store with its displays of fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, cold cuts, and baked goods. Typically, each pound sells wholesale for $4.25. Let the smaller grower walk among his trees and farm by the row. Yet he doesn't think the farm bill in its present form is going to achieve its protectionist goals. Or is he just the newest water baron on the block? Eat a corn tortilla instead, she urges. I study the terrain. I stand over the pipes and give them a hard slap. But Paramount isnt Paramount anymore. Of course, I know everyone in the world, she told one reporter. For a long time, she got no credit. "I don't want to make any. We want good groundwater, too., You mean no more pipelines carrying water in the dead of night?, The pipeline. He stammers a bit. Her brother-in-law was killed recently in a car crash along Highway 46. Whatever remains is not nearly enough to make up for the shortfall of imported water from the state. He says his bosses have been instructing him to cut the water each irrigation. During the holiday season, they sent out 4,000 gift boxes to their nearest and dearest friends filled with their fruits and nuts, along with a card of the two of them dressed in skin-colored body stockings, posing as Adam and Eve. Vidovich is known in the area for his political activity as well as his development projects. The oil companies and insurance companies were looking to unload their farms in Kern County, Steir learned, chunks of earth that measured 20,000 and 40,000 acres. Shes now providing tutors and counselors in every region of California to boost the graduation rate. He purchased his first 640-acre section in the late 1970s and kept adding more sections of almonds, pistachios, pomegranates, and citrus until he stretched the lines of agriculture like no Californian before him. He landed a steady job with a big grower and a year later paid a coyote $5,000 to bring Lupe and their baby son to Lost Hills. Do you know what I am? Every time I see it, Im inspired and proud of what weve been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. Rain for Rent, the pipes say. "I am a farmer and a big farmer," Vidovich said. But not even the two projects working in perfect tandem can defy drought. Theyre listening with their heads bent down. She is twinkling from earlobe and finger. Died on 26 Oct 2005. We were asleep at the wheel. Proposition 1 is a $7 billion bond passed in 2014 that would pay for a host of projects from flood control to water quality. Hes carrying 55,000 pounds of crop in two swaggering trailers open to the sun. Once, he came home from school and discovered the family car gone. The designers at the Mint made a porcelain doll with a tiny replica outfit so precise that it had to be hand-beaded with 2,000 fake pearls. That water would then be moved south through the aqueduct and banked in Semitropic. More than one ballad was about the valley, so he came to Fresno. But why is insulin so expensive in the first place? The city manager is in the process of coordinating a response, "said Gornick. The boss showed him a storeroom filled with chemicals tossed here and there and told him to bring order to the mess. So everybody should have it, right? Pace gave a nod to Vidovich on that count. If that happens, theyll go down the highway, and hell lose the $1 he takes for every $100 worth of their checks. Ive learned that I have to be diversified in my water, Vidovich said. The boss came back in, saw his do-nothing, and said only three words: Just get started. He began to move, and the job went quickly after that. Sitting in his mansion in 2008, he already counted more than 100,000 acres of orchards across five counties. Now they have to keep that up, right? TV Shows. Yet the Resnick pipeline is doing just that. use no threatening or hateful language. He purchased his first 640-acre section in the late 1970s and kept adding more sections of almonds, pistachios, pomegranates, and citrus until he stretched the lines of agriculture like no Californian before him. Their houses made from railroad boxcars have been painted purple, blue, yellow, and gold. LOIS HENRY: Is John Vidovich planning to sell off the valley's lifeblood? The aqueduct brings the water, yes? During the drought, the Boswell Company has drilled 52 holes into the old lake bottomseven of these wells reaching a depth of 2,500 feet. Of all the property available in Kings County, I'm not sure why he chose that property. A husband and wife sharing the reins is rare for corporate America, rarer still for industrial agriculture. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. I come upon a Wonderful field man in a four-by-four truck who listens to my bewilderment and takes pity. Stewart Resnick is the biggest farmer in the United States, a fact he has tried to keep hidden while he has shaped what we eat, transformed Californias landscape, and ruled entire towns. The 5th District Court of Appeal in Fresno has overturned a $73.4 million verdict against McCarthy Family Farms and Bay Area developer John Vidovich and Sandridge Partners involving a land and. Its not true, he wants to farm.. This was how a billionaire who needed more water did politics. Hes getting ready to introduce Lynda, the main speaker, but first he wants to address the federal governments recent recall of Wonderful pistachios. If their fears come true, the Los Angeles water grab in Owens Valley would pale in comparison. He left in 1956. I never liked New Jersey, but I never knew why. The juice isnt selling like it used to. The water will be stripped from the land and sold to developers of new towns both here and over the mountain. The scale of productionand the ability to process, market, and sell its own cropsallows Wonderful to be mostly mediocre in the fields and remain highly profitable. If he knows what hes doing, the shears can make a thousand more pounds an acre.. To manage the disease. Making hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?. No one is out and about. It goes to doctors and nurses, trainers and dietitians, who track the weight of workers, prod them to exercise, and wean them off soda and tortillas. Four tribes of Yokut lived along its shores. Four thousand peoplemore than double the number on the highway signlive in town, and three out of every four rely on a payday from Wonderful. This must be the spot the Wonderful field man was describing. His father bought a neighborhood bar and ran it with the same iron fist with which he ran the house. In my lifetime alone, California has gone from 13 million people to 40 million people. 2023 Minnesota Public Radio. In Lost Hills, they call her Lady Lynda. She shows up in high fashion and stands in the dust and tells them about another charter school or affordable-housing project she is bringing to them. I pull over into the dirt of a pomegranate orchard, the ancient fruit that the Resnicks have turned into POMWonderful, the sweet purple juice inside a swell-upon-swell bottle. This is a big crop, the field man tells me. Stewart refers to the occasional trek between Lost Hills and Beverly Hillsroughly 140 milesas a carpetbaggers distance. It seems even longer, he says, if you add in the psychological distance of being an East Coast Jew in a California farm belt where Jews are few and far between. The tule fog sets down again in the valley. Even if they had wheels, they wouldnt be going anywhere. Stewart would deny that Giblers reporting played a part in their philanthropy. Already, they are paying $69 a month to the local utility district. Thousands of Wonderful acres lay bare. Chance of rain 40%. She was the daughter of Jack Harris, a film distributor, who moved the family to Los Angeles when Lynda was 15 to produce movies. Look it, Im from Beverly Hills. He called it fake junk, sued, and won. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I reached a moment in my life where I had to give back in a meaningful way, she tells the camera. Past Bakersfield and the high school football stadium where Frank Gifford and Les Richter, two future NFL Hall of Famers, squared off in the Valley Championship in 1947 in the driving rain. He turns out to be a kindly religious man whose short hair is dyed the black of shoe polish. Up and down the Central Coast, restaurants are boycotting their wines. When I tell her my name, she whispers into his ear. When all three phases are finished, 1,800 students will be attending the high school, middle school, elementary, and preschool. One of his films, The Blob, became a cult classic, and they lived in a house on the Westside with two Rolls-Royces in the garage. Even as the supplies of federal and state water have dropped to near zero, agriculture in Kern keeps chugging along, growing more intensive. Perched up there, a queen might peek out and utter, Let them eat cake, Lynda once said. That was four years ago. One man drives and shakes the tree while the other man makes sure the clusters fall into the butterfly opening of the receiver. The piece, I was told, had left Lynda embarrassed and fuming. When he was told there were fields upon fields, he did not believe there could be this many fields. Ill have to go deeper if I can.. They slap back with the cold vibration of water. Today, most everything in this desolate reach of Kern County, save for the oil wells, belongs to Paramount Farming, which belongs to the Resnicks. Theyre all chasing Bobby, whose 325-pound bench press, 335-pound squat, and 455-pound dead lift make him the sole member of the 1,000-Pound Club. Hes headed to the Wonderful plant, 13 miles north of Lost Hills, to drop off his load. It takes a lot of work to get ahead. She and Manuel were able to buy their trailer several years ago. We'd love to hear eyewitness And so I began with slaughter and madness and then moved on to bartenders for fathers. Your donation today powers the independent journalism that you rely on. Stewart and Lynda created a new brand, the Halo, from the same variety of mandarin. Be respectful, truthful, and "The plan is to hold a special meeting on Tuesday, then submit," he explained to The Leader via a text. His oldest son is retired in Seattle. On Oscar night, she handed out free samples to the stars at the Vanity Fair party. He recalled bidding on a construction project while studying for the bar exam. Here, private water jumps from Tulare County to Kern County, but government jurisdictions dont count. Buried in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA. The wildfires cant be far behind. On the whiteboard in front of the weights, the big boys list their totals. Contact Eliza Ridgeway at He was a small, trim man, no more than 5 foot 5, in his early 70s with thinning silver hair and brown eyes rimmed in pink. You can plant only so many acres on ground that has no groundwater. tupperware garlic keeper g2c advantages and disadvantages. Bernards eyes are fixed straight ahead. As farmworker colonies go, this one isnt as grim as others Ive visited. The FDA sent a warning letter, and Wonderful pledged to study the chlorine levels in the bathing tanks. First off, Hurley said, hes not Vidovichs henchman. And then what happens in drought is there is this desperation to keep it going. They settled in Brooklyn among Jews who had fled their own pogroms, and his grandfather went into the needle-and-embroidery trade. The aqueduct was built with tax money, yes? Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. The believer and the skeptic do their tussle inside my head. The vibration here isnt quite as vehement. He uses more water than any other person in the West. The jolt and shudder would tear out the roots of a lesser species. China, for one, prefers the Iranian pistachio. He takes a look at his watch. He and Lynda wanted to run their own ads for their own brand. It took time to gain the respect of the people, and I was afraid. There, he tells me, in the shadow of the states great concrete vein moving snowmelt north to south, I will find a private, off-the-books pipeline that Stewart Resnick has built to keep his trees from dying. We can surely help you find the best one according to your needs. He was 13 and standing inside the Rutgers Pharmacy on the first day of his first job. He came to California in the 1950s to remake himself. In contrast, John Vidovich, who helms Sandridge, comes from a Silicon Valley farming-turned-developer family. Where the pipes butt up against Twisselman Road, a more clever bit of engineering is required. The agency did not balk at the price tag: $5,321 an acre-foot. The city of Los Angeles, by comparison, consumes 587,000 acre-feet. He said he bought his first parcel here in 1994 when he invested in a foreclosed property in Kings County. Main Street is Highway 46, which slices through the middle of town. Lost Hills finally has something to be proud about. It also means giving back.. Two strains of salmonella found in their pistachios had caused a multistate outbreak of illnesses. It isnt going down because he wont let it go down. Vidovich says his quote was clipped and sewn back together to make it sound bad. Theres a lot happening in the world. The farmers responded that the path of a bee wasnt something they could supervise, and they threatened to sue him back. Lupe and Manuel, like many of the residents, grew up next to each other in a pueblo called San Antonio deep in the state of Guerrero, a mountainous region of dramatic beauty. He yanks and pulls, and it finally comes off, throwing him a foot backward. Its an economy of scale on a scale no ones ever tried here. What kind of empire are you trying to build?, Im here to show the farmer that ags footprint needs to get smaller., I chew on his answer for a second. They just do what they want and you have to sue to stop em, Mitchell said. The shelves spill piatas, gloves, hats, pruning shears, and loaves of Bimbo white bread. It isnt a lot of water., Im not going to give you the numbers. 650) 397-5213 with any questions or to learn more. What he knows is that Wonderful is buying up to 50,000 acre-feet of water a year in a series of hidden deals. Instead of trying to sell the fruit as a piece of fruit, they squeezed its seeds into POMWonderful. Vidovich is known in the area for his political activity as well as his development projects. Theyre droughts best buddies.. They hide from the fact that it relies on the subjugation of peasants from Mexico they themselves have brought here. Too many almonds. This isnt any road. A day later, I get a call from Mr. Resnick. He had left for the cornfields a few minutes before the killings.. Angiola was rehabbing old wells, drilling new ones and installed a large pipeline. If youre messing with peoples lives and it doesnt work, thats serious. It had to work. Tens of millions of dollars spent on philanthropy in Lost Hills wasnt just good for the people, she discovered. These are trees and vines raised in nurseries and put into the ground at a cost of $10,000 an acre to satisfy the worlds growing appetite for nuts and fruits. The Southwest Kings GSA is chaired by John Vidovich, who runs Sandridge Partners, which owns hundreds of thousands throughout the San Joaquin Valley. The giving goes to college scholarships and tutors. I didnt see the tumbleweeds along the roadside and the strip of parched earth that separated what remained of the desert from the perfect rows of irrigated agriculture. The harvest begins in January with one type of mandarin and ends in December with another type of mandarin and in between spills forth everything in your supermarket produce and dairy aisles except for bananas and mangoes, though the farmers here are working on the tropical, too. Resnick dipped into his savings from his job at a mental hospital and went in half on the machine. My dust cloud tells him Im getting close. It was kind of a crutch in case I flunked, he said. "Would I build there if I had the money? Hit enter to search or ESC to close. Even Wonderful Park is spelled with the same heart-shaped O that stamps a bottle of POM. No farmer ever is. Taxpayers support the continued production of such commodities, at least in theory, through direct payments to farmers amounting to $5 billion last year under the direction of the farm bill. Hes planting ground that no one has ever planted before. We tell the children about the fields when they are young so they dont know the fields when they are old, she says. More than a dozen family members have followed Lupe and Manuel to Lost Hills. I grab my notebook and walk up to one of the vans. By age 19, Lynda had dropped out of college, married a magazine ad man, and opened her own advertising agency. Unlike many other billionaires, they could poke fun at themselves.

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