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dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript

Rome comrades! JENNA [00:55:55] Oh yeah. Like, he's kind of got this side smile. JENNA [00:39:56] Also you can renew your vows there. And I really thought that that part of my life was over for me, that that wasn't going to happen. I've blown up my voice already. JENNA [00:18:50] They were cleared and not returned. JENNA [00:34:46] So hard. But he would have attached a Post-it note that would say, "would you please file these in your butt"? It didn't have too big of a rim. Later in the cold open, Dwight runs into Stanley, knocking him into Angela. ANGELA [00:11:14] I don't. Dwight practices his speech, and Michael criticizes his delivery. Sixth, Great Britain is alone. During the cold open, when Michael is throwing the football to Dwight he hits Jim's desk knocking a bunch of frames and pens onto the boxes in front of Jim's and Dwight's desk. << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /XObject << /Fm1 5 0 R >> >> JENNA [00:57:29] No, I don't think so either. I say beautiful things will be seen in every one of the four cardinal points. An extended scene of Michael's unfunny and extremely awkward speech. That. ANGELA [00:17:35] No, he wasn't. Contents 1 Cold open 2 Summary 3 Deleted scenes 4 Connections to other episodes 5 Trivia 6 Amusing details JENNA [00:13:47] I would have pegged. JENNA [00:44:10] How can you not describe it? ANGELA [00:49:46] She's coughing and sniffling. ANGELA [00:23:49] Leave me out of it. He's, you know. ANGELA [00:15:37] Mmhmm. Ryans icy I know what I said This is our duty to change their perception. I've met a nice person. ", Paraphrased from a speech Mussolini gave in. And I will travel to New Zealand. JENNA [00:49:23] Super catchy. Right off the bat, Dwight uses lots of gestures. But there's more. Read more about Dwights Speech in Jennas TV Guide blog! Dwight knocking down Ryan, then Creed, then Stanley ANGELA [00:55:40] And that's actually really good advice. ANGELA [01:00:10] And Dwight's like, oh, I wish I wanted to go to this. ANGELA [00:20:41] The little the boob slip. That they really wanted him to stick to the script. "Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which everyone finds during the day, how long we've been at warthe war of work. Dwight was named the North East Sales Association salesman of the year for 2005, and he gave a rousing speech at the yearly meeting, drawring from Benito Mussolini for inspiration. They said, you know, definitely they didn't want me seated at my desk. Angela was at the speech with a camera standing in the back with a black hat on. JENNA [00:35:09] Terrible. Unknown to Dwight, Jim's tips are taken from speeches by famous dictators, such as Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini. JENNA [00:59:13] Full head to toe wizard. Kevin: Its like Club Med, but everything is naked. But the only room they were allowed to shut down and control was that ballroom. JENNA [00:44:56] Why? ANGELA [00:30:42] This sort of dates our show a little bit, too, because I know travel agents are still out there, but a lot of people now just go online. Ryan: Actually, I dont see ever getting married. ANGELA [00:16:11] But Rainn came at him full throttle. In the same period were sent 1,924 cannon of all calibers and many of them of recent construction and model; 15,386 machine-guns; 11,000,000 rounds of shells; 1,344,287,275 bullets for light arms; 127,877 tons of engineers materials; 779 tanks with a certain percentage of heavy tanks; 9,584 auto vehicles of various kinds; 4,809 motorcycles. Tenth, to beat the Axis, Great Britains armies would have to land on the Continent, invade Germany and Italy and defeat their armies, and this no Englishman, no matter how insane and delirious by the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, can even dream of. ANGELA [00:30:39] I'm callin' a travel agent. We already knew that from the Booze Cruise" and the reception is going to be at the V.A.. JENNA [00:47:58] Pam says it's nicer than you think. [pause] Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation - which everyone finds during the day - how long we have been striving for greatness? JENNA [00:48:01] And we find out she is inviting Jim. ", "I say salesmenand womenof the world, unite! So you know the scene in Michael's office where he's telling Dwight, I'm going to, I'm a mentor you. That's a safe. I'm not sure how to even be your friend now that you're getting married. So she's really, she really went for it. Ryan describes how he hopes to land a "challenging full-time or part-time position somewhere else." JENNA [00:32:20] Six-. It has been a lifetime struggle, a never-ending fight, I say to you and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight. But it can't get weird sometimes. It is the geographic and historic order of things that the most difficult and most faraway theatres of war are reserved for Italy. JENNA [00:17:19] So they could see you better. He's the last one. JENNA [00:47:29] So was he pretending to be cold now? So here's what we find out. ANGELA [01:03:25] I mean, this is so telling. ANGELA [00:54:48] So they went with that one. JENNA [00:33:07] He says what is the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman? OFFICE LADIES | EPISODE 23 - DWIGHTS SPEECH. ANGELA [00:31:29] The first time you see me kind of nice and close up. ANGELA [00:50:44] Huh. And I would like sit at my desk, like huddled under my desk trying to stay warm. That was the most watched, recorded and replayed moment in TiVo history. Well, I reached out to our line producer Kent Zbornak. You shut it. Am I wrong? JXMx@-xxO@;\]vIdxO.uHp](Xz;WYiT~{Q]~~~MyX(0;46^a!pv];hn`hbc=,^g&:S#m:Q8/+R1hQAb_>"L4r#{LqJYq?e*q579L+;"id/5Zw2pt5i{ucs{>y3?C )pUjL So I feel like that was at least in, that was scripted. Benito Mussolini (prime minister and ", Sean Lake as Sci-Fi Attendee (Uncredited), Randy Vinneau as Conference-goer (Uncredited). ANGELA [01:02:14] In like 1908, it was a train station and they have, you know, fixed it up and made it into this hotel. JENNA [00:21:04] This is the second time Jim has mentioned Cugino's. Just go in the conference room, he's going to teach everyone how to give a speech. He leaves. And I remember that the audience, the the extras, the 400 extras kept getting tickled at Steve. "Dwight's Speech" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of The Office and the 23rd overall. The Danubian and Balkan world cannot ignore and does not ignore the Axis, Hungary and Rumania have joined the Tripartite Pact. You can see us crouching over Pam's computer and we did a whole runner about our frustration with the new computer system that won't allow us to enter both alpha and numeric codes into the sales orders and that it was a huge problem. And I remember we only had the hotel for one day. 4? That's what he's saying in Mandarin. Whats funny about thatshes being a freaking HYPOCRITE. From that day world liberalism, democracy and plutocracy declared and waged war against us with press campaigns, spreading libelous reports, financial sabotage, attempts and plots even when we were intent upon the work of international reconstruction which is and will remain for centuries, as the undestroyable documentation of our creative will. "What was the actual temperature in the office area when we were filming"? To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! One entire army-the Tenth-was broken up almost completely with its men and cannon. Was it an accident"? WE ARE WARRIORS! JENNA [00:13:19] This is fascinating. JENNA [00:43:15] Well, then we go to Jim and Dwight's desks. Dwight: Think it through. And he says, Brad Pitt. The crew had exclusive use of a ballroom for the speech, but had to share the other parts of the hotel with guests. All the work of the Governors who succeeded each other in Libya was aimed at strengthening economically and militarily that large region, transforming the former desert or desert zones into fecund land. ANGELA [00:38:14] Like getting your pancakes, scrambled eggs. "Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we have been at war?". ANGELA [00:25:31] You know you did. That's the most competent Meredith has ever sounded. No. The Ethiopian war was hardly finished when from the other shore of the Mediterranean there reached us appeals from General Franco, who had begun his national revolution. Basically, Rainn was sick. x}[sKr{"VeKoXwD(@`H@\\HSULLe^!k{2_68q4R`71vog\?oLkmF S:gR_6mveFo6~pn_ vz:9likg10Ls}ru>o?oWOWw/?>]=\o7W7?n2PQ Because I watched the deleted scenes. JENNA [00:16:18] You can see it in the episode. All right, I'll stop it now. The Fifth Air Squadron was literally sacrificed, almost entirely. /z?tPLc.r8#[0iFJc4Az9,PPB R wC`%CZkMEYvC.d;+G+_IJ0 mNU^TX(JMl1pSfhGE#u$("d lOWI^- JENNA [00:52:08] Oh, that's very interesting. JENNA [00:39:26] So I mean, I think that that is an important thing to know because where would you put the money? ANGELA [00:55:36] Well, Jim actually says something to Dwight. Wrapped around 7:30 and managed to shoot seven and four eighths pages, which I guess is a fancy way to say seven and a half. JENNA [01:03:00] I missed that. When Stanley tells his wife, "Get the wallpaper," Creed sits at his desk pretending to play the drums. JENNA [00:46:22] Yes. Michael refuses to let Dwight see his older speeches because "They would remember them." And then Michael and myself. Dwight once described himself as "hard-working, alpha male, jackhammer, merciless, insatiable," but to us, he will always be one of the funniest, and yes, eccentric characters to have ever graced . Not less heavy are the losses we inflicted on the English. Monday, Tuesday, like the main office building. Before he leaves, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski), in retaliation for Dwight's cocky attitude, gives him tips on how to give public speeches. I can genuinely say that I have really liked every episode of both seasons so far (I own season 1s DVD, too), but The Speech ranks at the very bottom for me. However, in Canada, it aired the day before. JENNA [00:38:16] No, for health reasons, you must wear a cover up in the lobby and around food. JENNA [00:07:18] We had to. And she leaves the room. ANGELA [00:02:31] It was a gift to me. They're all like, what? I thought this episode was so funny Finally something else to watch other than Seinfeld repeats for me. ~X+0w_PI\{)L1oWy@Mq:6Yt|W8L^*Z/,@c/v JENNA [00:39:39] Not a problem. But meanwhile, Pam is doing wedding prep at work in front of Jim. JENNA [00:31:06] So now we're going to really clock into this thermostat war. ANGELA [00:51:42] I was waiting to go on. There's been this drought. JENNA [00:33:40] Cause Dwight says, can I just have a copy of your speech? All right. JENNA [00:57:53] Yeah. And it's really nice. ANGELA [00:00:44] Someone driving right now is like, "That's not the only thing you blew out". Did you see that her name is still listed as Gould? And I was like, "Oh, my gosh". It's been a pleasure working with some of you, and I will not forget those of you soon. I wonder if its just because Ive been going through withdrawal, but this was one of my favourite episodes. The Italian prisoners who fell into the hands of the Greeks are a few thousand, most of them wounded. Kugino's Pizza. Here he is, Angela. The Italian people, the Fascist people deserve and will have victory. ANGELA [00:01:56] Now, I told some of our writers about the thermostat war that we had-. ANGELA [00:38:21] Well, thank you for that. The speech, oh my gawd the speech! And for whatever reason, where I sat on the phones is where all the air went. Thats the word on the street anyway. JENNA [00:05:56] "The Dummy Wranglers". Italy, December 11, 1941", "Report at a Joint Session off the All-Russia Central Executive Committee: The Moscow Soviet, Factory Committees and Trade Unions", "The Office Seasons Season 2 Episode Guide", "Mar. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ANGELA [00:13:01] Every time I walk up and I just try to line up with that little center triangle. JENNA [00:49:36] He's having a minor panic. So next, we cut to Pam's desk and she is on the phone with her mom and she says, "Mom, I don't. JENNA [00:59:00] I do, too. "Dwight's Speech" is the seventeenth episode of the second season of The Office and the 23rd overall. Even better than Dwights speech: Jim trying to escape his predicament of unrequited love. Fourth, with this situation things are diametrically opposed to conditions from 1914 to 1918. ANGELA [00:27:25] I think you can really start hearing that he's sick. I come among you to look you firmly in the eyes, feel your temperature and break the silence which is dear to-me, especially in wartime. Michael later references the movie at the actual convention when he is filling time for Dwight. Dwight: What if I give a really long extended thank you? Consecutive. It's very interesting to me that you take the time to line it up and you do the thing. And then one of those two squares? Pam says, Pam has this line, "Like Toastmaster"? ANGELA [00:59:16] You have to show me. He wasn't shoved that hard. Phyllis stands up in the conference room and sort of shares and it is absolutely amazing. Dwight was named "Salesman of the Year" and had to give a speech. 2 0 obj ANGELA [00:24:12] Well, I have real beef with Michael on this episode. Like, what is happening? JENNA [00:12:40] "Beavis and Butthead" didn't they say? Way to go Mike. ANGELA [00:54:32] So we had about, like, I don't know, five or six hat choices that I had to try on. I didn't tell anyone. Angela, we've talked about that you were there. OMG I can't stop laughing at Morning Joe's comparison of @kimguilfoyle's RNC speech w/ Dwight Schrute's Mussolini speech from #TheOffice #RNC2020 . No, I was always cold. And she's worried about people getting offended like Angela. I love that little touch that she's gone to record her fella's speech. Then he goes to Jim for advice. I'm going to do my summary, but I'm gonna do it real gentle. Thanks so much for tuning in. Donald Trump Jr's sidepiece, and Melania lookalike Kim Guilfoyle, gave an absolutely unhinged speech on the first night of the Republican National Convention. "Office Ladies" is produced by Earwolf, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey. JENNA [00:54:26] So was it written in the script that you're wearing a hat and then wardrobe had to come up with hat choices? Several people compared Guilfoyle's time at the mic to Season 2, Episode 17 of The Office, "Dwight's Speech" the one where Dwight wins the award for Dunder Mifflin salesman of the year and . getting old). I say, salesmen and women of the world unite. So-. ANGELA [00:03:55] How do we make this work with our budget? They play it in a lot of sporting events. Creeds Chinese hello translates in mandarin to Hello to my Chinese friends. The only problem is that they dont speak mandarin in Hong Kong. JENNA [00:18:18] Oh. But I'll get to that. JENNA [00:11:42] She defeated Jillian Barberie and her partner to win the show's first and only championship. So, The Office Youtube Channel just dropped this two videos, and I thought, might as well make a silly thread about it. Dammit, I'm forgetting the name. Pam: Are you going to cry, Jim? Dwight's speech was a hodge-podge of actual lines from speeches and new material written and delivered in the oratory style of Benito Mussolini, leader of thePartito Nazionale Fascista in Italy, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. ANGELA [00:34:42] This is so funny. Through you I want to speak to the Italian people, to the authentic, real, great Italian people, who fight with the courage of lions on land, sea and air fronts; people who early in the morning are up to go to work in fields, factories and offices; people who do not permit themselves luxuries, not even innocent ones. And this is when he tells us he bought his ticket for June 8th. He clearly can't handle Dwight having a moment of success. But like this changed it because it digitally recorded things and you could like plan out your records. And then she just wrote again. [15] The episode was viewed by 8.4 million viewers, and retained 88 percent of its lead-in My Name Is Earl audience. Like his doctor said, you cannot go". You know what? JENNA [01:05:01] So I'll get I'll get the time code for that so I can really lay into myself. If he gets to the ring, then he can be a person again? It's a big honor. Provisions for Students with Disabilities, Honor Code and Statement on Academic Integrity, Statement on Student and Faculty Academic Rights and Responsibilities, Midterm and Final Examination Study Guides, Guide to Department and State Central Files, Statement on Academic Integrity & Academic Freedom. Not only the years we've been at war, the war of work, but from the moment as a child, when we realize the world could be conquered.

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dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript